Chronicles of a Soldier
Thursday, August 31, 2006
I had a really Happy Birthday!

So yesterday was my birthday
Woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
Phone going bananas!
Molayo prayed…”I know what you want mummy and I know God will give it to you!”
Sent Molayo off to school
Spoke with Mumsy…lots of prayers
Jumped in the shower
Jumped out when cell went off….. thought it was Boo
It was Remi’s mum….more prayers….at least 45 minutes worth!
Jumped back in the shower
Got to work late
Finally spoke with Boo…feeling better
Got my Juicy bag! Thanks Sis
Got an Arden B shirt….been feening for it for months!
Got my phone…I hate it!
Got a facial…..Muah Dayo!!
Punch Bowl Set…Huh? Love you Shandy!!!
3 Cakes…damn I’m special! Dammy luff you loads!!
Still in a funk!
Co workers took me out to eat…bought cake and balloons!
Talk to Boo some more!
Got really strange emails!
Headed home, just wanted to sleep
Dayo's coming over.
Remi kept calling me!
Why? Heifer leef me jo!
She says she misses me! Remi garishoes!!
Ade calls me, insists I come to bible study…for why now?
Says she’s running late and I need to hold it down.
Reluctantly..... I go.
Ran into Bode, invited her to Bible study
So it’s me Bode and Sister Karen…and the kids
As we say the grace, folks start rolling in
I mean everybody!
I was wondering what the hell was going on.
Dupe, funmi, denrele, lolade, dayo, dammy dammy’s brother, oyinade, ashandy, femi, dewunmi, rami, Kelly, deji, bode, Victoria, Jennifer and Mummy.....then I saw Remi! Fell straight out! Da hell? This heifer is not due back till Friday; she went out of town on business! I spoke with her an hour ago! Oh hell!
Then I saw the cake!
And the rice!
And the drinks!!!!
Yall gonna make me cry…It was a surprise party!!!! With all my favorite People!!!! AWWW… I love yall!
Dupe and I went out for drinks afterwards with the Marlboro crew! A very happy Birthday indeed!
Oyinade…what you did was so special and meant a lot to me, I know you were just playing but it really touched me and that is just one of the hundreds of reasons I love you!
Thank you all for putting this together, the first surprise party that I was actually surprised!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Lola and marital bliss!

Lola and Dele, I wish you all the best life has to give! May God bless your union!
Monday, August 28, 2006
This weekend was great I mean the hell? It started kinda weird cause Friday my babies all came over, it was a family reunion. Daddy, mummy and three of our 4 kids (Dayo, Me, Dammy, Lolade and Omolayo, Oyinade was working) Early this summer all our kids were in different countries on vacation so it was nice to have them back. I swear I really missed yall! How about my baby girl Dammy got a new car! Yep…sure did, my Honda at that…I would hate except we will be cruising that sucka together Orlando her we come!!!!
So anyway they came by and I decided I was going to call off work, problem is I suck at lying!! I called our new boss and told her I just got pulled over by a cop and my car was being impounded because it’s unsafe to drive…small problem, I realized after I hung up that I made the call from my home phone! Yepa!!!
Anyway we hung out and bonded like back in the day! Muah to my Play family! I love yall!!!
On Saturday my old Marlboro boss wanted to throw himself a send off party! @$&^#)(# (don’t ask!) He wanted to bar hop and go down the entire strip of Glenwood Ave. I invited Remi, Dammy and Lolade, Dayo invited a few other folks and it was on.
Prior to Saturday I was in a bit of a funk but OMO I had major fun, as in we ended up in this one joint called Aura, my boss paid for us all to get in. I ordered three drink at the same time…I did a shot of tequila with Bode (this girl is psycho!!! Knows how to have fun), downed my Midori and sipped on my Long Island Iced tea the rest of the night! The best part…cost me nine bucks!! I swear I can’t drink for squat; I was NOIIIICEEE after the Midori.
One Oyinbo boy kept stalking me…ahem for the 10th time I do not like milk in my coffee…thank u much! LOL Besides if my Voltron catch you…wo!
Everyone had a blast, especially me! I can’t dance for shit but once I am nice…you can’t get me to sit down. Omolayo has been teaching us the Motorcycle dance and we put it to the test….damn I had fun!!!! Remi we have got to schedule 5 more of these outings before you get married starting next Saturday!
Sad part of all this is I don’t have pictures, I swear there were lots of Kodak moments, but my Camera was not charged. I even got this one dude to take our picture, I hope he emails it!
Okay I must confess, I fapped a pack of cigarette from this Oyinbo boy, he begged Dupe and I to dance with his friend who was celebrating his birthday…so I was justified abi? Ok I feel bad but I was out damit and they don’t sell them at the bar!
We will miss you were the coolest boss ever!
Sunday we went to church and then over to Seyi's crib to see his Pop, I had that man rolling. I spent the rest of the afternoon at Ashandys, Fola and Shade are a really gross couple to be around, they feed each other and shit and kept kissing like I wasnt even there! I hate the Jinadus!!!
Stopped by Remi's really quick then headed home! Another week begins!!
You know I told yall my #1 OG was getting married right? Well see for your self! I have been super excited about this site from the jump and now that it's here!!!!...SHEK EROUT! Did I mention I am a bridesmaid? Yes indeedy! Take a moment and sign their guest book.
Remi and Babiluwe (as I fondly call him) I wish yall a blissful union.
Remi and Babs
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Are you frigging kidding me?
Bukky emailed me this morning "see below" and I fell out! Da hell? not very much scares me but this is VERY SCARY!!!!!
"Guard Your Naija Heart" is a forum where naija sistahs in the MD-DC-VA-NY area can seek information on guys they are interested in or currently dating. If you need info on a guy, send an email with his full name and description to . I will in turn edit your description so no names are not revealed and post a description of the guy on People who know him are welcome to post comments about him, his character, his likes, his dislikes and his dating status.
Disclaimer: This is not a male-bashing blog. The purpose of this blog is for informational purposes only. Inappropriate comments will be deleted.
Please check it out and tell your girlfriends about it !!!!!
Friday, August 25, 2006
What type of man do you want to marry?
Funmi sent me this email this morning and I was ROTFLMAO!!! Apparently this is how Naija babes answer the same question when asked at different stages of their lives! Where do you fall? Buhahahaha
Question: What type of man do you want to marry?
6 years old: I want to marry a Prince like in little mermaid and we will live
happily ever after
13 years old: I want to marry Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan
18 year old: I want to marry a guy that is tall, dark and handsome. My pref stats are 6ft 3, big upper body, toned abs, strong legs and with looks that will give Tyson Beckford a run for his money
21 year old: I want to marry a young and rich professional preferably a doctor, lawyer or an Investment banker. He shouldnÂt speak with an accent, thatÂs a no-no, he should be classy, Âhe should respect and appreciate me as a strong black woman more blah blah..
24 year old: Same as 21 but with more feminine BS
Ladies and Gentlemen, we now have the decline
27 year old: I want a responsible Yoruba (insert tribe here) man with a decent job or at least a bright future preferably with no kids.
30 year old: I want a God fearing man and Im open to all races. God created all of us in his own image anyways
32 year old: I just want a man. Any man!!!
36 year old: I just need a kid. Can someone please impregnate me?
40 year old: This is a wicked world. IÂm going to adopt
50 year old: I just want to live long. What was your question again?
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

We were just talking junk, I had a C-section with Molayo so I advised them all to get c-sections so wan niba ile ise je! Buhahahaha, it was a riot!
I hope none of you heifers took me seriously O? My name is Bola….and I talk waaaaayyyyy too much shit!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Back in Naija!
We were all sitting around my crib and Oyinade was gisting us about how she racked up mad dough in Naija! I wish my friends gave Omolayo some loot every time they come by my crib!!! I mean damn, that would be gas money right there!!!
Yall remember back in Naija, how you love to have visitors! As in when visitors come around it Chi ching!!! The ones I can’t stand were the casual visitors that came by and dropped like 1k knowing good and well there were more kids in our house than the Brady bunch! Omo that is bad!!
Uncle Tom was good for 5K easy and O my God! You would think my American Aunties would represent when they visit Naija….HELL A! They give you chump change like 5 hundy and crap! Uncle Timi…my #1 OG came to Naija and gave me $400!!! Omo, I was made for shizzle!!! My big sis…well she’ll do like $100 and then pay for everything….she did not have no money then so I understood!!!
I remember my brother In-law coming through when I was in Ibadan, can’t remember how much but he held it down!
My late Uncle Tunji…Mehn a visit to his office earned me 10k Naira, I don’t over do that mess either, once every other month…I called it my Salary! My Uncle Segun…..I saw him around the beginning of the semester and he covered my tuition and books!
There are a few folks that still do that shit now! I mean picture my grown 28 in 13 day ass still getting $20 from my Aunty! Yep every time I go to NEW YORK my aunty will give me $20!! Da hell? You must accept that shit too or else!!! I am grateful though, I guess she is showing love #$^%&?
Then Aunty Tokunbo! Mehn!!! now this lady is like my personal Guardian Angel! Every time she see’s me she gives me money…As in EVERY FREAKING TIME!!! Then she’ll give Omolayo Money too like Imma let her ass keep it? Yeah ok!
OMG Uncle Segun of Raleigh…yup, he’s another one that always gives Molayo money…well me… because I take that mess every time!!
So why is that? Why is it like the norm back home to leaving parting cash gifts and here its almost like pulling teeth to get an uncle to raise you! I guess we struggle more here and $$$ are not as easy to come by as naira is back home. I don’t know the deal but damn I wish I was a kid again.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
This past weekend
What a weird MD trip, as in I usually have a blast when I go to MD but my girl fashied me! I dropped Remi off and headed to Owings mills to see Moji, she had made other plans since it took me so long to get there and she jabo-ed me! Saturday morning I slept in, tired as hell! I met up with Aunty Tokunbo and she left me her kids. We headed to BWI to scoop Omolayo and Morenike. The initial plan was for my sister to drive them down but she decided to put them on the plane alone! Molayo was freaking out!
Morenike and Molayo were dressed alike, my sister likes wahala sha!! My poor baby was burnt! Omo no more Island vacation for you o!! As in so crispy she made Femi look light skinned!!!!! Buhahahaha
I had four girls between ages 5 and 7! I was loosing my mind at the airport! Ahem I don’t like kids remember? I had an instant headache. We did McDonalds’ and I could not get them to SHUT UP!!!. I was going to take them to the movies but my head was pounding like Whoa! Well that and the fact that I could not reach my baby all day long…very unusual, I was freaking out! Bukky came to hang out with me at Moji’s house, we watched some Nigerian movie, while the girls were upstairs screaming at the top of their lungs. Bukky gave me drugs for my head ache, I switched off my phone and I fell asleep.
I woke up and the girls were missing, as in I did not hear squat, Bukky was gone and Moji’s mum was fast asleep! Mo daran! I looked around and I knocked on Moji’s roomate’s door only to find them sleeping on her floor! Awww how cute..Thanks Jennifer!
It was almost time to scoop aunty Funmi from the Airport. She was flying in tonight. I packed the kids in the car and we headed out to Dulles. My sister called me mid way to tell me that Aunty Funmi had missed her flight and she wasn’t getting in till the morning. I took Tope and Dammy back home it was almost Midnight. One of those 4 brats had peed in my back seat! I suspect Dammy because she is the youngest!
I took Morenike and Molayo back to Moji’s crib. Moji had a wedding today and she did not take me! Mo, you hurt my feelings! Still no word from my boo, I switched from angry to worry! I slept off around 4 am. Sunday morning I rushed to The airport to scoop Aunty funmi, Moji and the girls came along for the ride. I finally got to talk to my baby, I threw a tantrum that he had me worried, then felt bad afterwards and apologized. I got pulled over in DC for making a turn on RED! Omo, wan sa si awon olopa yi ni? Na wetin, I told the dude to hurry cause I am gioing somewhere, he came back….no ticket! Yipeee? Are you convinced yet that I am highly favored?
Aunty Funmi was tired. We gisted about so many things, I wish we had more time cause I know this lady will not have my time in Naija. She still had the ability to inspire me, she is so freaking smart it’s unbelievable. I shared my ideas and she seemed genuinely interested. We went to her friend’s house and ate then I headed to Moji’s house to shower! Omo it was like 5pm and I was stinking! I scooped Aunty Funmi and took her back to her hotel in Vienna! Omo if only they had frequent driver miles! I would be loaded. We stooped by Bab’s to scoop Remi and we headed back to NC. I was mad tired…did not get home till 4am…needless to say…I am Bola and there is no way in hell, I am going to work on Monday!

Queen B

Morenike, Molayo and Yanju

Yanju and Morenike

Molayo and Morenike

Molayo and Morenike with some neighborhood dog

Aunty Funmi, morenike and Queenb

The girls sleeping( Molayo, Tope, morenike and Dammy)


Monday, August 14, 2006
Happy Birthday Nikky!!!

Happy Birthday Big Sis!!
Today is my big sis’ birthday. Omobonike, Morolake, Olajumoke, Odegbami and Ogunfidimi on weekends!!! Yeah ……I know our pop was smoking lala when he was coming up with these names. I guess he wanted to make sure we were traumatized in kindergarten.
Anyway I love you girl! I cant really wish you much cause it seems like you got it all, but I do wish you long life, endless love and joy beyond your imaginations. My sister and I are like oil and water we don’t mix well but fuck with me and she will be all over you…and ditto! Nikky baby!you are my role model and I aspire to be like you… when I grow up (hehehe). You have achieved so much at such a young age and you are living proof that I can do anything I put my mind to. I pray that God takes complete and absolute control over everything concerning you… Amen!
Sarah Jessica Parker has nothing on my big sis when in comes to a mean ass shoe game! Damn girl, you lucky we are not the same size; I would so fly out to Michigan!!! Thank you for keeping Omolayo this summer. Big Kiss to Uncle Folusho and Jomi and Yanju!

Friday, August 11, 2006
Baby no one will do!
TGIF!!! Its friday so I thought i'd leave yall with some MJB.
Tell somebody you love em today cause you may not get a do over!
On my way to MD...AKA LONDON yall have a safe weekend and stay blessed
Till I blog again.....
Seen many men in my time
But none of them compares to mine
I ain't gotta knock on wood
To tell you that I got it so good
He's everything that I need and
All that a man should be
Put me on a flight if I wanna
Buy out the mall if I wanna
And I know y'all heard before
These same old metaphors
My love is so much more
I don't wanna change it
I don't wanna do without you baby
He's just above the rest
I must confess the best love that I ever had
And I just gotta let you know this
Don't let nobody tell you nothin' different
Your the only one I'm needing
I don't want no one but you
Baby no one will do
And what they say don't even matter
They don't know what I know 'bout you
I don't want no one but you
No one will do
It's me and him through the wire
'Cos when it comes to love he delivers
My personal U.P.S
I'm sending him an S.O.S
that I love him (yeah)
Want him (yeah yeah yeah)
Don't wanna replace him
With nobody else
I'm keep holding on
I'm keep the loving strong
And I know y'all heard this before
These same old metaphors
My love is so much more
I don't wanna change it
I don't wanna do without you baby
He's just above the rest
I must confess the best love that I ever had
And I just gotta let you know this
Don't let nobody tell you nothin' different
Your the only one I'm needing
I don't want no one but you
Baby no one will do
And what they say don't even matter
They don't know what I know 'bout you
I don't want no one but you
No one will do
Oh no no no no
I don't want nobody
Nobody nobody no
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Happy Birthday Fola!!!!
Today is my boy Fola Albert's birthday! Happy Birthday Snookums!!!!!
Fola and I have been friends since uuuhhhh 97! Yep I met him in Lag, through his brother and we've been cool ever since. He is the most Candid dude I know and makes no apologies for his(often unsolicited) opinions.
Fola comes to yankee every now and then and we hang out. He has gotten all old on me though, Responsible Family man and shit with wifey and two boys! He is still hilarious as fuck and never a dull moment with him. He will call me out in a heartbeat and I love him for that!
I have one picture of him from his last trip to yankee but he agrees I look fat in it so I aint sharing!
May God meet you at your point of need; equip you with all that is necessary to be the leader of your household and a father to your kids. May HIS abundant grace be evident in all you lay hands on.
Fola....... here is to being a great husband, the best dad and a God fearing man!!
Long distance relationship and the extra effort it takes.
Omo….I am the # 1 cynic when it comes to dating from a distance, as in, love concurs a lot but Damn that shit is hard!!! I always play cupid, hook folks up all over the damn country and play chaperone until the training wheels come off and for the most part I have been successful, must be the natural marketer in me. HEHEHE
Lots of my single friends share my view on the chances of success especially when distance is a major obstacle. I have been in a couple LDR myself and the first one …shit we would have been better off at a distance! The second one well…leef tory!
The way I see it, it can sooo work, it will just take a little extra effort.
The phone calls.
The text messages
The emails
The Web Cam…get yalls mind out the gutter!
And just making a conscious effort to keep your loved one in the loop at all times.
I know for me I need to hear from my man at least once a day, so I don’t have thoughts creeping in my mind and it has nothing to do with trust either. When you are not there to see for yourself anything can happen. It’s like leaving your goods unattended in a market full of hungry Mofos!
So a few of my girlfriends are major players in the LDR game. Between the Airfare, the time off work, the phone cards!! OMO if that aint dedication I don’t know what is.
There is the advantage of getting to know a person though, as in really knowing them!
Can they keep you stimulated? Do you run out of things to say?
I mean face it, even if you are not intimate…yet, being in the same area code has it advantages, and requires less effort. You can sleep and still spend time together, watch a movie, just being in the same environment very little words yet a lot of quality time. With LDR you have to be consistent in your communications and use words at all time either verbal or written, plus, be conscious of how your words are perceived in the absence of body language and eye contact. You’ve got a good thing if it’s effortless, if you can’t wait to talk with them or if you are dying to get the next message…. If that’s your story…then you are good.
When you finally do hook up…there is a lot of catching up to do…hehehe!
So is it worth it? The hassle…The insecurity, The unknown… Really is it? I don’t know bout you but for me….. Absofuckinglutely!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
I've got food on my mind!
Busola and I were chatting and she was telling me how gross I was for sending her the “Is it chicken?” email that has been going around. Pictures and a rumor that Chinese restaurant really serve rat and not chicken…Dodo!!! whatever the hell it is, taste good as shit! So I told Bussy to stop fronting, she know her ass was chowing down some bush meat in her Ibadan days! Hate to break it to you love but NEWS FLLLASSSHHH!!!! Bush Meat = Rat!
So anyway I told her that image 9 looks hell of good right about now, with some Amala and Ogbono! Awww Six!!! I taste that mess too! Hmmm
Busola told me she’d pass on the Bushmeat/Rat or whatever other alias I choose to give it but she will really love some Iya ope right about now!
Ohhh weee!!!
Let me tell you about all of my favorite naija food joint! I too like food I swear!
# 1 on the list…Thelma I know you feel me…..Amala from phase II
My girl Thelma and I ate here at least 5 times a week!
#2 Ghana High!!! Good GAWD! My uncle’s office was down the street and I visited him biweekly for 2 reasons; the 2k naira cab fair I got and the Ghana High rice he got his secretary to buy me every visit!
#3 Damn, the name of this aunty escapes me but back in the day mehn! Shopping at Tejuosho market was not complete till I stopped by this spot…Aunty Kemi Yep..that it....thats what’s up!!! Hell of good!! OMG, I need a bib!
#4 Bisola, Fisayo, Dele Aluko and Lolu Phillips can attest to the awesomeness of the lafu they served at one spot in Ibadan! Yall remember that spot in my school (Ibadan Poly) where I love to eat? I would psyche dele up and get him to drive me out there! Dele was the only Mofo in our mix with a car! Buhahahaha yall should have seen this car too! And we’d all stack up in it like Sardines and drive down to Poly for grub! Damn the good old days.
#5 Shitta Amala!!! Infact it’s a wrap! This is the # 2 Amala joint, I always made a detour here every time I braided my hair at Surulere. Yep Twins was the braiding spot and Amala Shitta was the after party!
#6 How can I forget the rice Ofada in my villa? My mum’s folks are from Sango Otta, my grandma still lives there and every time I went there to visit, I would eat at this joint by the rail road tracks Mean ass ofada rice with obe buka no one can top! Favorite meat…Pumo! In fact I remember vividly when my mum sent me to Naija in 92 (God bless you for doing that mummy…Muah) fresh off the plane to my Villa, my grandmother did this whole elaborate meal crap and I saw a girl hawking Ofada rice from that spot! Omo, I bought her whole tray, paid her in $$! Best meal to date!
There are many more but these are my top six…..what I don did now? I am even more hungry!

Reshaping the Public Health Agenda in Nigeria: Building Knowledge in Health and Education Saturday, October 28, 2006
Sheraton Columbia, Maryland
10207 Wincopin Circle
Columbia, MD 21044
A strong public health infrastructure provides the capacity to prepare for and respond to emerging and long standing public health challenges. Such an infrastructure serves as the foundation for planning, delivering, and evaluating public health and requires a well-educated and well-trained professional public health workforce. Assuring a competent public health workforce is vital to managing the health of a population.
There has been a general neglect of both the public health workforce and its related infrastructure in Nigeria including its long-term development. The 1st Annual PHENIG conference will address issues of development. We hope that the conference will lead to better understanding of future trends and challenges in public health and education. To register, click here.
Log on to to get more information.
You too can make a difference, don't talk about it be about it!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Happy Birthday Toyosi
Ok so I forgot your biaday, ma binu simi my dear, you shoulda called so I can send you a shout out or sing my famous birthday song.

Omoge...first advice on your birthday....Know your worth! when you understand that you are a gem with immeasurable value...then you've arrived and MOFOs can't help but recognize...ya heard.

Ahem...not to plug in classified information but this voluptuos, sexy as hell, absofuckinglutely fabulous Diva is not spoken for....yet.... so eyin boys...come correct with some respect and then we'll see!!!!! Sorry Toyosi, feel free to kill me now!!

Text Messaging Etiquette
I was reading this article on the web today that triggered this topic for me. Apparently there is Proper Etiquette to texting as there should be! I personally know a lot of MOFOS that did not get this memo; they were missing a few things so I decided to compile my own list!
- Do not text me anonymously….hello I aint psychic, I don’t know who the hell you are!
- Do not send a text so long that you have to send another text to continue…omo that one na email na!
- Do not text me the same message more that once? Uhhh….I got it the first time!
- Do not assume the role of REV RUN and text me an inspirational spam text each day using up my monthly text allowance! (Dupe that mean you!)
- Do not use abbreviations I am not familiar with (No..... I did not know S-dy means Sunday or that l8r means later, I honestly thought it was a typo!
- Do not respond to my text with a phone call! Hello…….. If I wanted to talk to your monkey ass, I would’ve called!
- Do not read my messages! This should be #1! Da hell? Omo, I won’t read yours don’t read mine! Folks are nosey as fuck and they want to scroll through your shit like it’s a magazine…newsflash! Private!!!
- Do not send me Fwds on my phone! Ha!!! You smoke gbana? As if I don’t get enough Fwds in my 4 emails, just turn my damn phone to Spamville!
- (I strongly agree with this one from the list on the link) Be aware of your tone. It is extremely difficult to discern tone in text messages, just as in e-mail. What seems to you to be a completely innocuous message may be grossly misinterpreted by the recipient, causing certain discomfort if not irreparable harm.
- (This one is for Sprint PCS) Do not charge me $15 par monthly for unlimited text messages after you don told my ass it was free! Now that is so not cool!!
My weekend was Fab...And yours?
I worked Friday night (Marlboro job) and did not get home till 3am, I caked for an hour and finally hit the sak. On Saturday after my environmental sanitation, I followed Dayo and his mum to the Awani's crib
Ate Fried Rice and goat meat, watched wedding videos. Saw a garden snake that almost swallowed Dayo Awani! LOL it was not funny then but it excited me....The little things that excite QB.
I know I look like Iya Risikat with that scarf on but it was bad hair day dammit...leef me jo!

After work Saturday we went bar hopping and saw this barker look-alike, he killed the guitar and his hair cut was hot!

We played Asshole(card game) drank beer and inhaled tobacco at my boss' crib afterwards....This is how white folks hang out.
Minus the beer and tobacco part for me though, I don't drink beer and I already smoke so inhaling tobacco is dumb! I cooked noodles and boiled egg...The white folks thought I was crazy!

Dupe and our Marlboro folks..Yes Dupe is a Marlboro girl too!
Dupe and Dmoney being Silly at Stool Pigeons.

Ade and I doing photo shoot after church at my crib.
As usual I had a fun weekend. I cant really hang out anymore though, I get really sleepy and bored. My idea of fun doesn't really add up with others so....Damn...... tell tale signs of old age!!!
I cooked Sunday after church and we all chilled at my crib. I spent the night at the Banjizzy's stayed up late chatting with my #1 OG Remi.
Friday, August 04, 2006
My beloved Kia!
I had the most horrible experience ever last night! I mean da hell?
After work I decided to go hang out with Dayo’s mum (she is visiting from Naija). After inhaling the pounded yam and efo elegusi she made for me we decided to go shopping. Bump the fact that it was 100 degrees outside and my AC had just retired! I love shopping period; in fact I even get excited about going to Home Depot! I garishoes!!!
Anywho, we were about 5 minutes from our destination when my car died, as in stopped working, pafuka, finished! I was so embarrassed; the poor lady was stuck with me on I-540, in hot weather! To top it off, my cell was almost dead; I quickly called Ade 1 and Ade 2 to come save me and Dayo’s mumsy. Within 10 minutes both Ade were there, we abandoned my car and headed to Remi’s house. I made arrangement for a mechanic to come take a look at it. I was exhausted at the thought of all that was wrong with my car; I broke out in a sweat of frustration. Why me? Hell.....why not me? My car is the most neglected, disrespected property I own, it serves me right! But damn I was upset!
You would think I would be too mad to shop but nooooo, not Omobolanle, I told Dayo’s mum that we could use Ade’s car. Dayo picked his mum up later in the evening and just when I thought it couldn’t get worse, I discovered my car keys and house keys were in Ade’s car and she was on her way to work! It was getting late so I asked Dayo to go home and I drove Remi’s mum’s car to Denrele’s job, then Remi’s mum and I got lost, by this time it was like Midnight. We finally got to my crib, I was so tired and pissed, I could not eat dinner!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Sleepless in Raleigh/MD
Please tell me why my ass is so damn tired?
Help me understand why I was up till 4 am talking to Moji? Please tell me why that heifer is tired too?
We both had to work today o but we were up till four because my baby girl was gisting me and I was listening carefully. After she rubbed MJB all over my face (concert was last night) we talked like we would not see each other again.Very weird! I looked at the the time and I was like Moji, we are so fucked!
So right now, I have a huge headache, did not get here till 11am, sleepy out of my mind and can't focus on crap!
I think I need a power nap...bump that....I need full fledged sleep!!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Mary J...I want to see you too!!!!!
One of my co-workers won tickets to go see Mary J Blige in concert, I have spent the past 3 days psyching her to take me but noooo the heifer wants to take her daughter! Da hell? Haven’t you heard? I’m Queen B bitch! Okay so I was just getting over it and moving on to ‘not nearly as exciting’ things and Mojisola Akinyemi decides to rub it in my forehead! Turns out she is going too! I hate yall beeches!!! Why didn’t I just buy the tickets? I heard about it naw! Boooo hoooo hoooo. It my birthday on the 30th dammit! This is my month! Booo hooooo hooooooo!!!!!
This is why I miss MD, Mo and I would have so gone together! Now she did not even ask me she just bought them suckers!
Yall know I love me some Mary right? My boo got me high on track one off her new Album and I know if Remi hears me sing another verse of that song, she’ll bitch slap me back to reality. It’s all good! I aint mad, I will just act like it don’t matter. On the day of the concert, I will put the CD in my computer, ( yes my ghetto ass don’t have a CD player) and keep playing it till I fall asleep
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
My baby sis is 17 today!!!!!

Happy Birthday Oyin!!!!
Omokayinsola Mojoyinola Oyinmoladun Odegbami!!!! My little sister is 17 today! Wow just like that? I remember when you were born! I remember you eating peanut butter from the jar with a spoon! I remember Gbemi and I forgetting to pick you up from daycare! I remember you putting relaxer all over your face and one side of your hair! I remember you crying when we teased you! Damn I remember when you told me last summer that you had a boyfriend! I remember almost having a stroke! My, my, my now my baby sis is 17! How time flies. This girl takes more pictures than me and Moji combined! she even takes pictures of herself! Now thats sick!
Oyin mehn I love you infinity! I love everything about you, I loved that you are different from the rest of our clan; quiet, reserved and patient. I still hate on you for taking all the Bakasi from mummy and leaving us with Nasattal and how come we all look like Daddy and got his monster forehead but you look exactly like mummy! I am so jealous!!! On this day and always, I pray you have peace like a river, I pray God embarrasses you with his grace, I pray HE orders your steps and directs your path, I pray that all of your dreams will manifest according to God’s grace. I pray that you find love…. the unconditional kind; till you do, be patient my dear cause when it comes…it is soooo worth it! I wish I could be there with you today but big sis got to earn that $$$$ you know so I can pay you back (hehehehe)
Keep on sis, your future is florescent!

Denrele Happy Birthday!!

Adenrele, my pretty mama!!! Happy Birthday darling!!!!
Girl its official, you is old!!! Hehehehe So I bought you a cake this morning but they did not have enough candles to put on that sucker, so we’ll use 3 and they will stand for 10 each….we’ll round the last one up! LMAO!!!
On the real, Happy Birthday Miha, you are a very special person, you are so sincere and pleasant it makes me sick! I mean Da hell? You do get on my nerves though! But no matter what I love you Mami!
You said a very special prayer for me earlier this year that has remained etched in my head and I am pretty sure even you don’t remember but I am very grateful to have you in my life and although I bug the hell out of you, I know you understand it’s with love.
For you my dear I wish you all the good things I wish myself.
May God continue to meet you at your point of need. May your expectations not be cut short. May God’s grace and mercies overwhelm you. See you tonight mami, I am bringing my To-Go bowl! Hehehehehehe
The Odds are against me but pile up enough Odds and you are Even. The inevitability of my ability to consistently overcome overwhelms me. As do the magnificence of God's grace towards me and mine. I marvel at my proximity to my destiny. I am astounded that Can't, Won't and Later disrupt my journey to greatness. A conscious decision is mine to make and christen them Can, Will and Now! My reflection gazes back at me with another challenge at hand, procrastination hinders my reaching my destination. Don't tell me where I should go till you walk in my shoes. Yesterdays mistakes are for tomorrows amends, yet I ponder on them like the hand of time changes? Mediocrity has become a comfort zone and I have turned obstacles into road-blocks rather than stepping-stones, I find myself compromising my integrity as I try to maintain the status quo. How easy it is to condemn me and defame my character, when you really should commend me, and applaud my efforts. Intimidated by my confidence, you misconstrue it as arrogance, I know who I am.... A strong, black-diamond in the rough, a female soldier, a Queen amongst her peers.. now who the hell are you?