Catching up...
I have not blogged in like …..Forever! A lot has been going on. Work is crazy mehn, on most days I just want to quit! Da hell? But then I remember how grateful I am for my job and I snap out of my funk. I had lunch with Dr. Ashiru the other day and it really got me thinking about what I want to be when I grow up…except….my ass is grown! Oh snap!
Sade had a baby girl! Thank God for Fola because that baby is hella cute, I wanted to give her 8 days before I published her picture on WWW. I name her Shaniqua .....hehehehehe! Fola, I know you are a nice guy and all but your daughter will be dealt with because of her mother Sade...I will pick on her till she turns 18!
Remi, Ade and I went for this Owambe party, Remi’s family friend was having and it was promised to be bananas cause Barrister was in the building$^^(*#@(??? I don’t know a damn thing about Barrister except he is about 4 feet tall and round! But the grown folks seem to dig it…you could see all the menopausal women grinning and blushing like it was Usher in the building or something…warefa! How about I did not learn from my last awoof and I chowed down some efo again, that and a sample of errything on the menu! This one was good sha! My greedy ass needs help. How about I wore my pink lace and I swear I could not breathe! My teeries where suffocating, But I shallant gree so I rocked that sucka anyway!

But not to worry, starting tomorrow I am going on a slim fast diet! That’s right, I will document my progress so if you care to join me on my journey to lepaville…Nov 1st baby…. its on and popping! No rice, no eba. no obe buka…Just the slim fast shake and bars! Wait o maybe I should wait till after Sade’s naming ceremony on Friday? Hmmmm…we’ll see.
I didn’t go to church Sunday, all that loud annoying music from Saturday gave me a huge headache, I was in bed till 1pm and doing a bit of soul searching. I went to the hospital to visit Sade and took my babies with me. Denrele and I had this gig later Sunday working with some kids on inflatable playground at some church in Raleigh. I can’t stand kids but mehn… I had a blast. I told LP to drop Molayo off so she can be part of the rara. They called it the Fall festival but it was a Halloween party. We were there till about 8pm then I rushed to Cary for my mandatory meeting with Marlboro.
Remember last week when I said happy birthday to LA? Turns out the heifer's birthday was actually October 27th! It’s all Moji’s fault! She called me bright and early on the 21st to remind me to call LA….I felt like the biggest idiot alive. LA indulge my singing and carrying on, I even did a whole spread on my blog and then she goes… ”err hem, Bola its not my birthday” Moji I am so going to kick your ass!!!
I am acting yall…yep Dqueenb is a STARA!!! Ok its for church, I was asked to play the lead role for out youth and singles play! Omo…I am mad excited, which is really weirding me out. As in, I have been on time for rehearsals and kept my diva attitude to a minimum. I find that I am actually enjoying this! Imma put that sucka on youtube when it’s done!!!
Bisi Akerele...AKA Cousin Bisi...AKA Omodokoko of Egbaland! Happy Birthday miha!!! Love you long time!! I can truly say you are my favorite cousin! Living with you at Grandma was hella fun..I miss you sis and I can't wait for you to move back from Japan!
I lost my Uncle….Tunde Ogunsina age 43…cause of death… stomach ache! Da hell? My mum is in Naija visiting and she was blowing up my phone but when she couldn’t reach me she started calling all my friends. I finally got to speak with her and she was devastated, I didn’t even know what to say!!
Uncle Tunde….you will be missed; I trust you are in a better place.
Then I got an email from Aunty Funmi about yet another plane crash killing over 100 people! Jesu…Naija scares the hell out of me but at the same time I am so drawn to the place its crazy!!
You go Mamis!!!
I am sooo proud of my girlfriends in MD they participated in the race for the cure last week! Big ups to you all. Breast cancer will not be our portion in Jesus name..Amen. It is so encouraging to see yall commit to such a selfless cause.
Next year I am so there!! I will be the water girl cause you know I can run!
Bussy baby..You look hella hot in those spandex!
Funmi...After one and still hot!
Moji, Tolu and BukkyI am so proud of yall.....muah!
Oya don't front..... I know yall miss me in MD abi?
Hey.... Where was LA?

This weekend
Weekend was bananas...Oyinade, Molayo and I spent the day at the mall, then later Lolade and Dammy met up with us for Dupe's birthday. We got ready at my house and joined everyone else at was fun!!! Happy birthday again Dupsey!!!
I got to hang out with all my babies this weekend! We missed the fair this year…oh well.
After church Sunday we went for this birthday party for a lady in our was hella good and we hung out there till about 4pm. I spent the rest of my evening with my girls watching movies and gisting. Denrele and Dupe joined us later on. Oyinade spent the night and I had to drop her off this morning, she has been pooping all damn morning, I was getting irritated cause I had to go to work. On our way to Durham, I had to make an emergency stop at some hotel cause I had the runs and Oyinade was threatening to go on my back seat. I had to go back for round two. Apparently we had food poisioning! Dayo, Remi, Lolade all had the same problem...I took the day off. I am blogging inbetween dumps! Help me!!!!
Happy Birthday Jomi, Dupsey and Uncle Folusho!!!!!

Today is a special day because my Nephew, brother in law and my dawg Dupe are all celebrating their birthday!!!
Jomi darling I am so proud of you, you are growing up to be really smart and handsome and I can't wait to see you!!
Uncle Folusho..the best brother inlaw ever, thank you for all you do for me, I wouldnt trade you for another...ever! are amazing, I love that you never get mad and you see good in everyone, I am glad I met you and glad we are friends. Its on tonight boi... we gonna get crunked!!!
What do you want for your birthday sef...oh thats right....I won't call you out on WWW but uhmm....... it buzzes!!
Love yall loads!!! I pray that God continues to shine his light on you.
Jomi's birthday Cake
I know my nephew is going to be famous and rich! I love you Jomi, you are my favorite nephew....damn you are my only nephew!
Uncle folu...I pray for everlasting, unconditional love and happiness, what you will need to continue heading your household and providing for your family will be made available to you according

Dupe, I pray for that amazing job, that loving husband, that great home...that joy that surpasses all things! I pray for that 'it' factor to be present in all you desire and to manifest in your life today and always...amen!!
Uncle folusho's birthday cake
Happy Birthday LA!!!!
My girl LA's birthday is today....damn baby you is getting old!!!!
On this day and always... may you know peace like a river. May the good Lord show you favor. Anything concerning you will be perfected according to God's plan with perfect grace in perfect ways. May all that bless you be blessed and all that curse you be cursed. All of your heart desires shall come to pass according to God's will.
My girl LA and I met about what 5 years ago...funny enough it was on the web and we clicked instantly. She has been a great great friend to me and is one of my style icons.
Lola I know I don’t say it often enough but I love you mami, I am glad we made up because mehn...I missed you! i cant wait to see you in November Mehn...its on and popping!
I wish I was in MD, I would so take you to a movie and a strip club..hehehe...I think Lola and I are the only two Mofo that has never been to a strip club!

I think this was last year or was it January06...dunno jo

LA and I at Lex in DC

Omo it was hot o! At Yanju's farm party

This was a fun day! We crashed some housewarming!

Some house warming we all went to in 2003 (dont ask me why she was grinning like that o!!! we were only drinking smirinoff)

LA's last trip to NC

Isnt she black? and lovely!!! hehehe

At the harbor in 05

The Fours
Yetunde tagged me so why not
The fours
1. target…..stock girl
2. Family dollar…..Manager girl
3. Comcast… girl
4. Ms hilda…babysitter
1. I really wish I was a professional writer and author of gazillion books
2. I wish I was a business owner…running things and telling folks what to do!
3. I wish I was acting…doing movies and shit
4. I wish I was …uhmmm dunno jo
1. Don’t watch movies over…got the gist the first time
1. Lagos
2. Ibadan
3. St paul
4. LA
5. Raleigh
6. Laurel
7. New Carrolton…oh dam just 4! Ooops!!
1. Top model
2. fashion House
3. grey’s anatomy
4. nip tuck
1. Abeokuta
2. Ijebu
3. lagos Island
4. brazil
2. Remiand
3. my blog
4. www.
1. Eba
2. iyan
3. amala
4. rice…..
thats my entire diet too! Sad really
1. sushi….hell na!
2. oysters…. Oh hell na!
3. snake….da hell?
4. pizza…don’t ask…I am just bush like that!
1. rice
2. obe buka
3. Efo
4. egusi ijebu
…help all I do is think about food!
1. Computer
2. Bed
3. books
4. file cabinet
1. My man
2. tivo
3. fridge…I eat in the middle of the night!
4. hardwood floors
1. this damned sweater that wont stop shedding!
2. fishnet tights
3. the white gold bling Lola bought me
4. black pencil skirt I stole from denrele! It looked better on me now!
1. In Naija
2. At home
3. In London
4. did I say naija?
1. willy wonka’s factory
2. neverland
3. narnia
4. bump fiction…Naija
1. Kunsh
1. why am I still in the office?
2. Ok I came in at 11am
3. I wonder if Thelma took my baffs to the tailor yet
4. this four things crap is long o!
1. my phone
2. food
3. my ring that sade gave me
4. my new shoes
1. smoothvibes
2. desola
3. Back to the Beginning
4. Uzo
Pop stars turn Shoemaker!

If na joke Beyonce better stop o! Tha hell? Yall know I love me some Beyonce , with her fierce self and a body that will make you go to the gym but my girl need to stick with singing ojare…for why naw? So I was shopping around for shoes…like I need any more…and decided to visit House of Dereon! The shoe collection is wacked!!!! Unless you plan on flying on a broomstick in these kicks …Omo don’t get set up o!
Now I am not the biggest JLO fan but my girl got some ill designers working for her! Don’t get it twisted because some of these shoes need help but there are some that are to kill for!
Right now, I am high on these pumps! But guess what? Why do Bebe have the same damn shoe! As in the exact same! Ole ni awon folks yi mehn! I know Bebe has definitely started smoking marijuana! afterall they have celebs on TV wearing their sturvs… Entertainment Tonight hosts and Fashion house actresses why won’t they loose their minds and forget ordinary folks!
How about Jessica Simpson, other than the Christian Louboutin patent knockoffs, all her shoes are wacked!! Besides, Aldo did those best or maybe Steve Madden, if he did not suddenly go crazy with his prices! Abi were ni e ni Stevie? Who is your father in the society sef? All of a sudden your shoes are $150 and over! Wonders shall never sieze!
So the winner is still JLO jare! You go girl! I don’t know about your baffs sha o but you are holding it down (amongst your peers) in the shoe depot!!!
I can't even remember what was going on.

I absolutely love this picture! Sincce my hair is falling out, I may just do Risikat what if my forehead is huge?

At Gertrudes

My Ace Mo and I in the rain...imagine that!

Famous QB pose

QB, Mo and Elisa

Naija babe...Mo
Please forgive me but Elisa's camera is from the late 1800s so resolution is like whoa...not!

Wednesday Wednesday medicine.
What’s new with QB…lets see, I have not been blogging because I have buried my busy body ass in work and coordinating events to keep my mind off things…it works too! If you have something on your mind, just keep busy and time passes by faster and time fixes everything!
So there is this new show “Fashion House” the absolute dudu! As in I watch it every night…omo talk about drama!!! At first I thought it would be about fashion for real like what’s hot and what’s not, but it turns out its modern day soap opera! Last night Maria Gianni got punked at the altar! She is a bitch but omo no one deserves that mehn!!! Check it out if you can! Fall line up is Bananas! Flavor of love, brothers and Sisters, Nip tuck, Prison break, Top Model, Grey’s Anatomy, desperate housewives, house Ugly betty Six degree Studio 60 …..Omo it’s on! My name is Omobolanle and I am officially jobless!
As you can probably tell from my lack of picture posting, my camera is out of commission! Well it works but it’s in dire need of aburo! This is why I have not posted any pictures from Ashandy AKA Sade AKA Iyawo Fola AKA Mrs. JINAD’s baby shower! Sade… forgive me!
Let me tell yall about this fabulous RARA that was orchestrated by yours truly…Queen B!!! Okay well let me give props to all my sisters that helped me out…Remi, Dupe, Denrele…Muah!!!
So it was this Saturday at Femi and Dewunmi’s crib, their walls are moss green which worked well with our Green and yellow color theme! We all cooked the food, Jollof rice, chicken Meat and Obe buka…my specialty and we bought the most beautiful cake. I entrusted Remi with the décor, she does a great job! Denrele and I ran last minute errands took a shower in like 3 minutes only to get there and discover we were soooo on Naija time! Please tell me why our guests didn’t arrive till 6pm! We had mad fun! It was a co-ed shower and the highlight of the evening was watching Tuoyo and two other dudes race to undress a Barbie and dress them in a separate outfit! It was a riot…btw…I invented that game but feel free to steal it! hehehe We made tee-shirts for Fola and Sade courtesy Azure by LP!!! The food was gone and so were the drinks and we tore up the guys’ house!
Hey check out the fall collection from NS effect! The designs are sick mehn!!!
And the quality is branded!!! Click Here
So our baffs are here for Remi’s wedding I absofuckinglutely love it! But….dilemma!!! I don’t know what to sew! Please email me sites where I can find bunz styles! As in I don’t know jare, I have looked everywhere but I can’t find a style that jumps at me! You know my ass is getting kinda chunky too so I need something that will bo asiri! I swear I am excited; there is so much to do and so little time!! What excites me the most is the reunion that will take place that weekend! Errybody will be in the building! Wale is flying in from London….Omo bring me some deodorant o! Yes baby SURE!! Wunmi from Naija! Bisola from LA…I have not seen my Abis since she had her first son five years ago! Yall know how I feel about planes….and that’s a 6 hour flight! Dolapo and Toyosi from TX!!! My MD crew (LA, MO and Elisa) will be in the building! My mum and sisters and even my step mum will be here! Please tell me why I ordered my bridesmaid dress a size small so I’ll be motivated to loose the weight! Erhhh IT’S NOT WORKING!!!
I was hosting single and strong this month so I did some more cooking Sunday morning and prepared for our meeting. It was very educative, I was very encouraged by this meeting and I really don’t know what I’d do without my single and strong sisters!
Remi is in St Thomas! As in a company paid trip to the blazing Island to work! That really blows!!! The heifer felt the need to tell me every hour where she was like I had somehow forgotten! Yes I am hating!!! I am sitting here shuffling paperwork all day long dealing with disgruntled employees and participating in meaningless conference calls while my girl gets to lay out on the beach and sip Mai Tai all day long!
Shout out to my brother Gbemi, bet yall didn’t even know I had a brother huh? Well I have three actually! Gholahan and Ore are the other two blokes but Gbemi and I have the same mama! He is really quiet and laid back and I am a bit more colorful. I really hope you can make it for Remi’s wedding! I love you and I am proud of you Papi!
Let me get back to work before these MOFO realize…I don’t do much round hurr!
Oh Lordy!!!
This weekend was our church anniversary, for the first time in my life, I love church! Even with all the drama that I brought on myself, I still feel really good about church and I actually look forward to Sunday. I think it’s our Pastor, you can tell that he really cares and he is sincere in his faith…not to mention funny as hell! Anyway so there was a fundraising event Saturday, we are trying to build our own church. I rolled with Dammy Remi and Ade took Molayo and jaboed me…as usual! It was a really scary event, scary as you just knew God was in the building because supernatural things were taking place. I had an absolute blast…that is until I saw Dr. Ashiru!!! Please yall tell me why I was praying to fall out dead right there and then! I greeted him as usual and he is always so pleasant and candid and shows genuine interest in what new with QB. Ok so he grabs my arm ushering me to walking with him and I oblige. He casually dropped a bazukka on me “I read you blog, I was looking for Remi’s website and had forgotten the URL so I goggled her name and found your site. I loved every bit of it, I read it all night! I think you are extremely talented!” My heart stopped literally for a hot minute! NOOOOOO not Dr Ashiru!!! Remi and Denrele were laughing so hard! I told him I could not even look at him right now and I excused myself! He was mad cool about it though as in it shocked the bra strap off me! He told me to make sure I update it and send him a shout out! Hehehehehe gladly!!
A big shout out to Dr Ashiru… rock Daddy!!!!!!!
On Sunday I missed church, totally forgot my car was at Dammy’s! I was fully dressed and ready to go and I couldn’t find my car! Duh!!! I was so pissed! I called errybody but I couldn’t get in contact with anyone. I finally reached Remi at about 11:30 and she said all my possible rides were already in church! I called Dayo and he didn’t make it to church either so I asked him to come get me, then I slept off. Remi, Dupe and Ade made it to my crib first so I fashied Dayo and we all went to Ashandy’s crib! I will be a good girl and won’t call Shade out on her pot of stew incident! New York chick I am watching you o! You lucky your ass is pregnant… you are itching for a beat down!! We got home just in time for desperate housewives and Flavor Flav!! My weekend was aii..I am still in a funk..but nothing but time and God can help me with that.
The Odds are against me but pile up enough Odds and you are Even. The inevitability of my ability to consistently overcome overwhelms me. As do the magnificence of God's grace towards me and mine. I marvel at my proximity to my destiny. I am astounded that Can't, Won't and Later disrupt my journey to greatness. A conscious decision is mine to make and christen them Can, Will and Now! My reflection gazes back at me with another challenge at hand, procrastination hinders my reaching my destination. Don't tell me where I should go till you walk in my shoes. Yesterdays mistakes are for tomorrows amends, yet I ponder on them like the hand of time changes? Mediocrity has become a comfort zone and I have turned obstacles into road-blocks rather than stepping-stones, I find myself compromising my integrity as I try to maintain the status quo. How easy it is to condemn me and defame my character, when you really should commend me, and applaud my efforts. Intimidated by my confidence, you misconstrue it as arrogance, I know who I am.... A strong, black-diamond in the rough, a female soldier, a Queen amongst her peers.. now who the hell are you?