Chronicles of a Soldier
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
State Fair 07
Another boring ass day at this boring ass job! I am sitting here changing the font on my yahoo messenger….now that classic! Dami finally emailed me the pictures from State Fair! I sooo hate it when folks take pictures and you never get them…AS IF!!!
I have figured out what I’m going to do for my church…none of the other duties interest me…so I will appoint myself the church paparazzi! We have a particular family that dozes during sermons…..that would be a hit for my lenses! Buhahahaha that’s not a sin is it? I am tr

More Pictures!!!
Back to the fair and sturvs…I sooo do not do rides! I always feel like the Mofos that assemble the sturvs somehow forget a screw…Or maybe they just got yelled at right before by their boss and they are like…Pssst f&%k it! So I don’t do rides o jare! That would be a punkful way to go out! But somehow sha I found myself on one thing like that, it takes you about 800 feet in the sky and then drops you…Omo..I agree “My name is Bola and I am a wimp! Egba mi! Who sent my monkey ass? My stomach was churning like hell and I felt sick! I WILL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!
I made sure I tasted every food they had at that fair, my diet would have to wait another 24 hours….Dayo wanted to go out and I was all for it until after I stuffed myself silly! I got home at about 10pm and took forty winks!
Labels: State Fair
Monday, October 22, 2007
Bonike is 35!!
My sister had this amazing party in Michigan at the Belle Isle was major! I invited a bunch of my friends but only two showed up...oh well! Omo I started to panic a few weeks to the party lots to do and so little time. Ticket prices were crazy! Moji and Lola finally got their tickets, I was still thinking about where to get our baffs from, Aunty foluke helped me sha..thanks mami! I ran to my tailor to sew everyone's outfit, pleased tell me why I got to the tailor the day before my trip and this madam had not even started LA's baffs! I was pissed, I had an early flight day after and here I am 10 PM sitting with the tailor! At about 1pm sha..she finished...I cursed under my breath and bounced. I still had to go to Ade's house to see Mama Remi! Please tell me why my car died on me at their house! It was cold as hell and I had neglected to put gas in my car! I took Ade's car ran to the gas station and back and filled my tank and wahla...the bitch started! I finally get home at about 330am...I still had to pack o! and my flight was at 745am! needless to say I got no sleep!
LP dropped me at the airport 45 minutes to my flight and princess O and I patiently wait our turn in the security line. They pulled us aside and went through my luggage. They tossed all my hair and bath products but nothing was more painful than watching my brand new bottle of MJ Daisy go! I was pissed men! Apparently I looked like an damn terrorist!
I tried to think of more pleasant things like the fact that I get to see my whole family together since like almost 3 years ago! or was it 2...I forget.
I quickly grabbed my luggage and caught the shuttle to the rental car place...omo Michigan is dry! I mean damn! the airport is big and all but nothing interesting! I sha hurried to my hotel and tried to nap a bit before getting ready. I don't know whose idea this Friday party was but sucks! At about 5pm Mo and La arrived and I dashed to the airport to scoop them. My sisters were calling trying to find out where I was. I ran into a lot of folks I hadn't seen since I was 9...very weird and shit. I was tasked with picking up the live band from their hotel which worked out since they were minutes from my hotel.
My baby sis showed up at my hotel to hang out with me, only she was sooo not a baby! She had lost mad weight and was looking hot! I kept staring at her in amazement.
We hurriedly got dressed and rushed to the party. It was amazing to say the least! Each table was elaborately decorated with fancy cakes and desserts and everyone looking all kinds of fabulous! My mum was at a table with her friend in their own Ankara threads. My sister was beaming with joy. She grabbed me and introduced me to all her friends and coworkers. My brother was wearing trad and just as I started to commend him I looked at his shoes..sneakers!! The boy is a mess!

My cousins, my niece, my nephew...uncle this aunty that...mummy from Nigeria...Robin..all my favorite people in one room! Even my step mother made an appearance! The food was magnifique....the music...bananas..can remember who played..I'm so not into the Naija live band scene but the dude did good sha!
My sister, her husband, my mum and a host of others made speeches but the one part I remember was when my sister said I was the best gift God ever gave her! that was deep and I was moved! Never thought she felt that way about me! *** still Blushing***
I was busy stuffing my face when they called me to make the toast...campaign flowing like H2o I raised my glass and said a few words...damn I wished I put more thought in it...I did OK sha...I am soooo shy I start to tremble when I am asked to speak in public....hard to believe I know but true!
They started spraying money like water and I was kinda pissed cause I didn't get any...OK so I didn't dance.
A big shout out to Gbemi mehn! he made like 20 trips to the grocery store to get ice and God knows what else!
My the end of the evening folks were packing up the cakes and taking them home! I quickly grabbed one too...I don't even like cake!
We hung out for a bit more and wrapped up the night...what a great party!
We headed to the hotel and slept like it was going out of style! On Saturday we hung out with at my sister's and Moji's cousin then we watched 'why did I get married' great movie!
On Sunday morning we had breakfast and it was time to leave....I dropped LA and Moji off at the airport and headed back to my sister's to hang out with the family. Gbemi cooked efo and we all grubbed, and argued and laugh and for a moment we were not dysfunctional!
Great weekend! See yall next year at my 30th....August 30th 2008..mark your Calendar!!
Trying to catch up....
Oh wow..didnt think I would be away this long…but omo things dey happen o! Days turned into weeks and then months…..ok Imma try to come with it.
What going on with QB..errybody trying to know. I got a call the other day from one of my friends dad wanting to know why I having been blogging…Buhahaha..absolutely Hilary …I don’t know pops…errrhh…..maybe it got boring? Besides there are loads of interesting blogs out their now…its almost like the music industry…your track is hot until the next one! But na..its never been for the audience really, its been about free therapy!
Update! Errything is kosher, I am temping at some insurance firm as an admin, I have been doing that since June. I sooooo hate it! The other day this old fart asked me to make reservations for his lunch meeting at some restaurant…I was in a foul mood so I made him reservation for the one in DC… time call ya damn self!
Then my boss lady asks me to go get lunch everyday! According to my agency I should politely tell her to kiss my ass, but I like the lady sha, plus…I am greatful to even be employeed so I eat humble pie everyday and handle my business. Oh and the asswipe that asked my for reservations walks up to me and say "you know, you dress really professional and look nice everyday…its amazing we don’t see that much in this role and I know we don’t pay you that much" I guess that was a compliment….in fact…were ni baba e! I couldn’t even respond to that…I just gave him a smile of contempt and kept typing. I am bored out of my mind so I decided to give this blog business a second chance.
I had a birthday…August 30 baby…omo I was mad depressed, switched off my phone and slept all day…apparently Dayo and his wife didn’t get the memo..they came by to drag me to dinner at Ruth’s Chris, it was aii, but omo for that price I woulda made obe buka for 300 folks and still had money for drinks!
This chic I went to school with lives in my complex, since the day we discovered, it has been a chemical romance…I mean now I don’t have to run to Food Lion when I run out of salt, maggi or tampon! I just call OG up and wahla….its going to be short lived sha..omoge is getting married and moving again soon!
So I chopped off all my hair again o! Yes boredom! I like it sha, except now I get a relaxer every 3 weeks, due to my nappy roots.
Dont know if i mentioned my ace Dupe left town for Jand! I miss you snookums!
Wunmi Finally left...I guess we'll see her again next year when she comes back to drop it like its hot!
Monday, October 15, 2007
PS I love you!
These oyinbo people know what they are talking about mehn! Fa real! I was chatting with my Big Sis whining about how so damn affectionate Omolayo is and how she says I love you every five minutes! Not only that o, she will call me five minutes after I leave home and say some shit like I miss you! Da hell? Everyone that knows me knows I don't do hugs and kisses, as a matter of fact when I see one of my dawgs or someone I care about I will say Assole, you no fit call? Abi were ni e ni…..?that translates to… Hey! How are you? I've missed you! I also have this thing about personal space…don't be all in my face! Maintain a 3 feet circumference distance at all times. Unless you are my do not need to be that close to me!
So I was complaining, and she told me to enjoy it because her 10 year old is at an age where he does not even acknowledge her…I don't think I would mind that at all! Do you and I do me!
So…. Omolayo just sent me another 'I love you' text…. "erhhh, Sweetie, I love you too but we don't have to say it all the time…it gets old, lets save it for Birthdays and Christmas!"
My sister she says this goes back to our childhood, apparently there was not enough hugs and kisses growing up, so that's why it's weird now, plus I don't remember any "I love you" being exchanged in our micky flick. I dont doubt our parents loved us but they sure never said it. I guess it's a vicious cycle because the thought of my paternal grandma saying 'I love you' is somewhat comical…AS IF!
Me I sha don't remember all that I love you crap sha, I am constantly kicking Molayo out of my room but I remember as a kid I was forced to be amongst people because I always preferred to fly solo, these days sending Molayo to her room is punishment!
So anyway, I am trying sha…I was told if I don't give her enough affection she might turn into needy bugaboo or worse…na…..cant have that either. I swear parenting is hard! Just when you get the gist of it, there are new rules and guideless, Dos and Donts all kinds of crap just come up!
May God help me o!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Okay so I have been gone a while, I not sure why really, I guess I just got bored with it (blogging that is) There seems to be so much going now that there is never really anytime to blog.
So lets see what has been going on with QB…omo dem plenty o! I don't even know where to start. I guess midlife crisis is supposed to happen at about 40 abi? Well my shit came early! I got laid off back in June, well May really but I was on payroll until June. I took about a week off to process my next move then I was called for a temp assignment were I had to smile all day like a damn idiot and act like I really wanted to be there (I didn't) I guess I wasn't too convincing because after 1 ½ months my assignment ended. Just when it was time for me to sulk again, I got an a couple offers…damn I am blessed! Ok well this time I will try not to complain and count my blessings. I really have nothing to complain about because it's a great opportunity to do what I do best! Thank you Jesus!
There have been a few trips to MD about 3 and then one to Tennessee, but I think I mentioned that one already..abi? There was a baby shower for Wunmi..she's dropping any minute now!
Ok soo I have gained quite a bit of weight as in officially the double digits! I should not have made fun of fat people! I take it back o! Damn lift this curse!!! I swear I am a size 10 now and a Large! It scares the shit out of me because nothing fits! What's worse…I can't shop in the juniors department if I get any bigger! LP says she will work with me at the gym…so I have started eating in moderation and taking walks around my way.
E told me to try this new red bull diet but omo..that shit is expensive! Plus folks be coming overt my house drinking red bull like its Shasta! Omo..iro o…I no fit! Besides that shit makes me more hyper than I care to be…I get all wired up and stay up all kinds of crazy hours…na blad..not having it. Eat right and exercise that's what I'll do. If I can just be a size 8 again Lord I promise to be a good girl and limit cooking obe buka to once a month!
Congratulations Thelma!!! My girl is officially a married woman! I can wait for the owambe girl! My Shoe and bag has been polished …no time for games! And my girl Elisa..Oooooohh Weeee! I can't wait for D-Day to come, just pray for me o that I loose this weight or imma have to step down from the bridal train…yall lepas not going to have me looking crazy! Congrats yall! I wish you Joy, peace and love, may your union be blessed and These oyinbo people know what they are talking about mehn! Fa real! I was chatting with my Big Sis whining about how so damn affectionate Omolayo is and how she says I love you every five minutes! Not only that o, she will call me five minutes after I leave home and say some shit like I miss you! Da hell? Everyone that knows me knows I don't do hugs and kisses, as a matter of fact when I see one of my dawgs or someone I care about I will say "Assole, you no fit call? Abi were ni e ni?"....that translates to… "Hey! How are you? I've missed you!" I also have this thing about personal space…don't be all in my face! Maintain a 3 feet circumference distance at all times. Unless you are my do not need to be that close to me!
E told me to try this new red bull diet but omo..that shit is expensive! Plus folks be coming over to my house drinking red bull like its Shasta! Omo..iro o…I no fit! Besides that shit makes me more hyper than I care to be…I get all wired up and stay up all kinds of crazy hours…na blad..not having it. Eat right and exercise that's what I'll do. If I can just be a size 8 again Lord I promise to be a good girl and limit cooking obe buka to once a month!
Congratulations Thelma!!! My girl is officially a married woman! I can wait for the owambe girl! My Shoe and bag has been polished …no time for games! And my girl Elisa..Oooooohh Weeee! I can't wait for D-Day to come, just pray for me o that I loose this weight or imma have to step down from the bridal train…yall lepas not going to have me looking crazy! Congrats yall! I wish you Joy, peace and love, may your union be blessed!
The Odds are against me but pile up enough Odds and you are Even. The inevitability of my ability to consistently overcome overwhelms me. As do the magnificence of God's grace towards me and mine. I marvel at my proximity to my destiny. I am astounded that Can't, Won't and Later disrupt my journey to greatness. A conscious decision is mine to make and christen them Can, Will and Now! My reflection gazes back at me with another challenge at hand, procrastination hinders my reaching my destination. Don't tell me where I should go till you walk in my shoes. Yesterdays mistakes are for tomorrows amends, yet I ponder on them like the hand of time changes? Mediocrity has become a comfort zone and I have turned obstacles into road-blocks rather than stepping-stones, I find myself compromising my integrity as I try to maintain the status quo. How easy it is to condemn me and defame my character, when you really should commend me, and applaud my efforts. Intimidated by my confidence, you misconstrue it as arrogance, I know who I am.... A strong, black-diamond in the rough, a female soldier, a Queen amongst her peers.. now who the hell are you?