Chronicles of a Soldier
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Segun Gele…a phenomenal talent
When preparing for Remi’s wedding, I advised her to use one of Mac’s freelance artists for her make-up. I was comfortable with them and trusted their products but Remi insisted that she wanted Segun Gele, he would do her hair make-up and Gele; he did one of our friends’ wedding in Texas and Remi was very impressed. I did not attend the wedding so I had no clue and because he was a dude…I was more than skeptical.

Well I’ll be damned! My first encounter with Segun was a text message I got from him on the day of the engagement. “Ms Odegbami…Remi needs you! You NEED to check your voice mail and free up space so others can leave urgent messages for you” folks don’t usually tell Queenb what she NEEDS to do so right off the bat I was a fan!
I was very impressed with the man I met, so full of life, so much personality, a huge goofball and he is the life of any party!
I took one look at Remi and my eyes welled up! Anyone that knows her will testify that make-up is not her forte....get my girl some chapstick and she is good to go! But on this day...Good Gawd!! She looked so beautiful and it was just right, the colors Segun chose enhance her natural beauty without being obvious....I stand corrected...this man got skills! And then the word.....FABULOUS!!!!

I watched mesmerized as ladies lined up to get their Gele tied. He effortless tied each one different from the next yet equally fabulous. He was two steps behind Remi the entire time touching up her lip-gloss and ensuring she was in high spirits.
One the wedding day Segun tied my was outrageous to say the least but the kind of outrageous that guarantees all eyes are on you....yall know my attention deficient ass was loving every minute of it!

So I called Segun up and asked him a few questions:
So why Gele?
I will say Gele is just an aspect of what I do and since Yankee is a land of opportunity i just had to take it to the next level from where I started in Naija. I've always done hair all my life, if u know anyone that went to LASU they will tell u how good I handled the hair from braids to twist to weaves to dredz u just name it I did it all and I actually trained quite a number of people b4 God chose to situate me here. Back to the Gele business in Yankee; it all started in Atlanta at a friends wedding where I saw this beautiful woman well dressed with a mans hat on her head and her Gele in her hands so I figured she needed help in tying it and approached her to do it when she laughed at me and say she'll wait to see if she could find a lady that will help out in doing it and she said thanks; I looked at her and said to her "let me do this; if u don't like it I will pay u $5” and she said if I do it right she will make it $7, right there at the car park on this faithful day 26th April 2003 I made my debut with Gele having my First client as the IYA ALAJE of ATL herself and I made $265 that very day after which I left for Naija the next day.
Coming back to Yankee just paved the way for me to start my own little way of making money with the necessity of having any "paper" or "license" to do any type of work.
How long have u been doing this?
Like I said earlier I started doing business in 1996 when I became a saloon owner on campus and I've always done hair for weddings and later graduated into doing makeup for brides, I later added Gele to it when I could no longer coupe with the way my brides look at their engagement parties so I can proudly look back and say I've being in business since 1996; 10 years now to be exact.
Any future plans to expand?
Expansion is a major part of growth so I Will say yes I have plans to expand; I would like to have a school where can teach Nigerian women in America the DIY of Gele and how to enhance their beauty as a true African woman and also I'm looking into having a brand or two of my own Gele fabric and lace for now I'm also looking into having my own line of makeup suitable for women of color.
Is the bridal service a full time gig? If not what is your 9-5 job?
How I wish I can have a 9-5 job LOL, I have never had the opportunity of working for anyone my entire life, I have always had to provide for myself even through the University, not for the reason of lack by my folks but I’ve always wanted to be able to reach for whatever I desire to have and time I feel like having it.
So yes the bridal service is my full time Job and I will say I'm proud of what I do for a leaving it is really paying off BIG time; thanks to my BAD habit of savings.
What else do you do for fun?
hmmmmm what else apart from hair, makeup and Gele?
COOKING of cause yes cooking is another aspect of my life that people don't know I'm good at; well if u see how healthy I look, I know u will not doubt my skills in the kitchen, talk about the most tedious job food to those of u who know how to cook IGNORE is the bomb and mine is to die for and guess what if there is no ogre no ignore shirking.
I also like to dance a lot as that is the only form of exercise I "pretend" to do when I have the chance to.
Do you have any sisters?
Yes I do have a sister my elder and only sister, if u think I learned anything form her that will be the greatest joke of the year cus she knows nothing but cooking aside from that all I know today is borne out of my innate talent and the curiosity to find out how things are done in a different way, I never really went to school at first until I know these were the things I wanted to do for a leaving, I went to Jones Int'l Cosmetology college, went to Last looks makeup Academy, have a Diploma in Bridal Consulting from PCDI (school of professional services) in GA and of cus I fly to anywhere there is a new technique for makeup all in the effort to continue to improve myself and provide a better service for my clients.
How much will it cost to grace an occasion with your presence?
My prices are the same in-state or out-of-state, my services includes doing the brides hair, makeup and accessorizing the bride in readiness for the ISLE , I stay to give touch-ups all day and help with the brides wardrobe for the night party (owanbe as the yorubas call it) all of that for the whole day attracts a $500 fee . Now if I have to fly out of my terrain to service a bride, all she does is transport me there and accommodate me which I think is not too much if she plans way ahead of time to find great flight deals for says $180 round trip. helllllllllllllllllllo! And of cause leaving he rest to my expertise. And I must say I have had the pleasure of working with well over 200 brides from the time I started to date I have being friends with them all and I must say I appreciate u all for giving me the opportunity of being a part of your life's journey cus I know whenever u remember the day u got married u surely will remember and pray for me and God in his infinite mercy will grant all ur hearts desires. Amen
Check out his website
I grew the balls to ask Segun if he was gay…I was scared cause this dude don’t play but I was dying to know! Not that his sexual orientation has any effect on his talent but inquiring minds want to know.
Are the rumors true? Are u gay?
I feel people should try and get a life for themselves instead of painting people with colors that do not soothe even themselves talk less of those they bather their image mostly when they don't even have the faintest idea about. One's social orientation really goes a long way to determine one's exposure and how they perceive life in general; the mere fact that I work in a ladies field does not mean i'm gay and i'll not be the first guy working in a ladies field we have so many we can count on mere finger tips as it stands, the famous naija hair guru bobby eke (owner of bobby's signature in s/lere Lagos) the ever present cosmetologist Emily Millionaire in palmgroove S/lere to mention a few in the naija world ; we have the pro of the pro's Paul Mitchel who has one of the best range in the worlds hair care industry today is he gay/ we have the best cooks and chefs all around the world today are they gay? we have the best fashion designers in the world who are not one so why do people like to slain their fellow human being?
I feel i was created for a purpose which i believe i'm fulfilling to the fullest and more so there is something called TALENT which is ones inate ability to do what others can't ordinarily do without undergoing skilled training; that is what i know i have "A GREAT TALENT " which is working out for me. God Bless America ; the land of opportunity, who would have thought i will be able to make a living out of gele tying , WHO ? A piece of advice to all the speculators, u all need to get a life and chose ur friends if i don't deserve to your friend because i'm made the way God wants me PERFECTLY MOLDED , and EMBELLISHED WITH GREAT HUMAN SKILLS; at least people through my Gods given talent praise God for my life ; has anyone EVER praised God as a result of what u are or something EXTRA ordinary about you ? THINK and start to appreciate Gods work. I'll like to borrow a Yoruba addage that says " orisha bo ba le gbe mi , fi mi si le bo she ba mi.
I love my job, i love the field i have chosen to be identified with in life and i'm proud of what i do, i have sailed through college if you must know St Gregory's College my alma matta, i have sailed through the University LASU the Great you can try dig up issues about me and i bet you ill not find anything on me and this is just to show u how decent and morally clean one can be.
and well..sorry to disappoint yall nosy MOFO but HE IS NOT GAY! He is so at ease with women and they flock him like bees. I can understand why though, he is an absolute joy to be around and he funny as hell not a dull moment when Segun is in the building. It was an absolute pleasure meeting you Segun and when I get married you will be the one to hook me up no doubt!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
The best damn wedding ever!! Remi and Babs
OMG!!! In my entire life, I have not been to a more fabulous wedding than that of Remi and Babs!!! I mean Good Gawd!!!!
The weekend started off Friday. Folks flying in from all over the world! We were all running around like mad folks on last minute errands. I must have made 10 trips to UPS; everything I ordered was still not here!!!! Egbami! I was entrusted with ordering the scarves and a few party favors and UPS and Fed-ex probably have my name on their most IRATE customer list by now! I did not give a shit, I’ll be damned if I let courier service mess up this fabulous event. After I threatened all their ancestors and cursed them out in my egba dialect, all my products surfaced! Nonsense!!!
Debisi and Bro Folabi from London…representing!!! All remi’s Aunts from Naija.
My mum and my sister flew in from Minnesota, my girl Bisola from LA, my MD hommies Moji and Lola were repping MD to the fullest! Thank you mummy for everything. My mumsy brought me fresh fish, meat and chicken all the way from minnesota!! Iya are too Bunz!! Love you mami!!
Wunmi flew in from Naija a night before; I spent the evening at Remi’s crib with Titi who came in from London. Ashandy came by and we consulted with the Mac lady who came by for our final consultation. We were anxious as hell and I couldn’t stop looking at my Aderemilekun as she remained un-phased and calm like it was another day! No doubt she was excited but trust Remi…she is never one to break a sweat.
I saw Remi for the first time at the engagement; I stayed away from the hair and make-up session because I knew she was in good hands. Good Gawd! I mean Damn, my girl looked so beautiful, my eyes welled up…its for real…its finally sinked…Remi is getting married! Remi is married!!!!
How about everyone one was looking chasis as in, no jacked up face in the house. Our mean ass Gale was fierce as hell courtesy Segun Gale (I shall be doing a whole spread on him). Texas chicks were in the building! Apata reunion for shizzle. Shout out to Bumni Love, Nike Idowu, Jean, Tunde and Wunmi Odumosu!
The engagement ran long; trust the old school folks to lengthen their shine time. We held it down. Food was excellent; the ambiance was to die for! Did I mention the view? Omo there was a lake just outside the hall…absofuckinglutely breathtaking!!!
So after the party was the after party!!…the Off the Market Bash! It should have been called Off the Shizzle Bash!
The hostess were wearing white tees with COCO on the front and numbers on the back… a big shout out to Dupe Aka hostess with the mostess…Mehn! You made me proud to be your friend!!! The other fabulous women on the hostess list includes LP (my first born), Dami (my 2nd born), Oyinade (my third born), my babies were looking fierce!!! As always Shade Omosaiye was holding it down for the COCOs, Tutu, Oby and Dami from MD!!!
How about my fellow bride’s maids!!! A special shout out to Wunmi(Naija), Titi Connecto (Jand), Busola (MD), Tosin (MD), Funmi (NC), Bebe (NC) and Maid of honor woman of substance Adenrele Sarunmi!!!! Don’t forget yours truly DQUEENB!!!!
OMG!!! It was wild! I kept sipping all night and jamming to the beats of DJ Kenny…the female juke box! Kudos Kenny, you made me proud!!! That was the most jumping party I have been to…ever!!!
The party ended at about 4am!! Imagine that shit! And we stayed behind to clean up. Bros Folabi checked Wunmi and I into the Hilton at about 6:30am. Brother Folabi...I have mad love for you bro!!!
Just as I was getting settled, the MAC lady came knocking on the door, it was 7am and Me-Me was not playing! She set up in my room and did my make-up first! Omo we did not sleep all night! Da hell…shortly after our hairdresser Nicole came to style our braids!
Did I mention hair and make-up was paid for by the couple! Sweet!!!
Everybody was looking fabulous and ready to roll at 12 noon. Our limo was waiting downstairs; I had butterflies in my tummy like I was the one getting married!
Check out our groomsmen!!! Good Gawd almighty…fine boyz no pimples, no wrinkles with dimples looking all kinds of sharp clean shaven with their fine brown suits. A big shout out to Tayo for providing pimp juice on our way to church!!!
The service was short but beautiful! As Remi walked down the isle, my eyes welled up! I refuse to cry dammit but I couldn’t help it. IT WAS TOO MUSH!!! We took pictures after the ceremony and hurried to reception where 60 tables and 700 chairs were all beautifully arranged at the Hilton hotel! There were over 700 guests! Open bar all night!!!! fact!!!
The room was breathtaking! We danced in as couples and I just want to thank my partner for being an absolute gentleman the whole time! He held my hand and constantly asked if I was ok…sweet sweet Kenneth… Muah!!
We changed into our aso ebi and I swear I have never seen such love, there must have been 100 young ladies running around in cream and brown lace looking hella good! Segun gale hooked us all up and it was just fabulous!!!
Remi and Babs came out for their first dance and it was the first time I saw folks spraying money to English song! Just beautiful! My girl was glowing like WHOA!!!
We handed out our party favors, took pictures, danced and acted a complete fool all night long…It was absolutely fabulous!
Eleba...I had fun with you too, it was a lovewly way to finish the evening... smochies!!
On Sunday we went to church for thanksgiving, it was packed!!! Everyone came back to my crib and I cooked fish stew, chicken stew and jollof rice! We were planning on going out to get krunked with the londoners but omo...lack of sleep did not let us!
A special thank you to Sammy! You are such a good man and I know Remi is happy to have you in her life, you wowed me with all you did!
The hosts, headed by my Ace boon koon Dayo Adeyanju...yall were looking HOT and working hard! Mad love to Raleigh's finest!!!
Tomi get on my damn nerves and you were one more smart remark away from being slapped!!! But... Omo....I wouldnt want anyone else to plan my outdid yourself mama!!Your organizational skills and creativity was evident on this day! so please save the date for me.
Aderemilekun, I did not get to give my speech at the wedding but I will give it now.
I cannot think of anyone more deserving of this than you, you are a beautiful soul and your heart is pure towards everyone. I am blessed that we are friends. Babalola is one lucky MOFO to have you as his wife but I think he already knows that. It is evident today what kind of person you are, surrounded by people near and far who want nothing but the best for you. On this day and till death do you part, you and Babalola shall be happy, your home will be filled with love, and abundance will be your portion. All of your heart desires shall manifest according to God’s grace. Any evil thoughts or actions towards your marriage shall not manifest in Jesus name. My god child is going to be spoiled rotten…I can’t wait to meet him/her so please let the panashukwing begin!!! I love you girl and I always will.
If you missed the wedding….DAMN!…you mizzed!!! Itzzz tew moooosssh!!
Check out the pictures HERE…and stay tuned there will be more pictures to come!!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Remi's Bridal Shower
OMG! The past couple weeks has been tremendously stressful but it was for a good cause. A big thank you to my fellow organizers Denrele and Dupe…we held it down yo!
We had two showers for Remi, One Saturday night and the other Sunday…Omo it was one hell of a night Saturday boi! I mean Damn!!!! I will spare yall the details. We wanted to make sure Remi would never forget this night…..and I seriously doubt she will. Very exclusive shower for selected few…but omo…It was bananas!! We went out later Saturday night and we were tired as hell but still cooked for the shower Sunday and made it to church on time! I can not count the number of free drinks Remi got, but I was there to help her with half of each glass…heeehehehehe I was crunked!!
The turn out on Sunday was crazy, everyone came through; I have never seen such a turnout for a bridal shower! The highlight of the evening was watching Remi’s reaction as we watched a pre taped show we made with everyone in it sending shout outs and best wishes. It was so emotional and reality hit me that my girl is getting married fa real!!!!
Click on Remi's picture for more pictures!
A big Thank you to the Awani’s for availing us their mansion, I doubt any other crib could have accommodated all dem folks! And all of the folks who came through to show Remi some love….we will join you in celebrating your own joyous occasion in the near future as well! Save the date yall November 18th 2006 Raleigh NC….its going to be bananas!!!!!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Hot Boiz!!
Yetty gets the award for blogger of the month for her collection of sexy ass men on her blog this Month. In appreciation of our naija brothers, she did a spread featuring each of them in their element with Q&A so you get to know them a wee bit. Kudos brought it!
Its refreshing to see brothers in a positive light, we are so damn hard on them most of the time so I am definitely feeling this right hurr!!!
Did I mention every single one of these brothers are hot as hell? I mean Good Gawd...check it out HERE
The Odds are against me but pile up enough Odds and you are Even. The inevitability of my ability to consistently overcome overwhelms me. As do the magnificence of God's grace towards me and mine. I marvel at my proximity to my destiny. I am astounded that Can't, Won't and Later disrupt my journey to greatness. A conscious decision is mine to make and christen them Can, Will and Now! My reflection gazes back at me with another challenge at hand, procrastination hinders my reaching my destination. Don't tell me where I should go till you walk in my shoes. Yesterdays mistakes are for tomorrows amends, yet I ponder on them like the hand of time changes? Mediocrity has become a comfort zone and I have turned obstacles into road-blocks rather than stepping-stones, I find myself compromising my integrity as I try to maintain the status quo. How easy it is to condemn me and defame my character, when you really should commend me, and applaud my efforts. Intimidated by my confidence, you misconstrue it as arrogance, I know who I am.... A strong, black-diamond in the rough, a female soldier, a Queen amongst her peers.. now who the hell are you?