Happy Birthday Gbemi!
Today is my brother's birthday, I called him this morning to wish him happy birthday and he was like "Oh yeah thanks" like he had somehow forgotten about it! I bet a lot of folks don't even know I have a brother, actually I have 3 depending on who's counting.
Gbemi and my sister Oyin are the quite laid back ones, My Older sister Nikky is the brains in the family, loud and Vulga as hell! And mua...2nd born black sheep...wouldn't have it any other way!
God has been extremely good to my family this year, especially to Gbemi and I am positive that this is just the beginning of greater things to come. I am so proud of you papi!!! You know I am not the affectionate type and I have probably never told you this but dude...I love you, I am proud of you and I am so glad you are my brother!! Have fun today and give Missy my love! Smoochies!!
Ashandy is old as hell!!
So our NY in NC omoge Ashandy...AKA..Shady...AKA...Iya Rodo celebrated her bafday yesterday! For some reason, I thought it was the 15th... (Remi’s Dummas) Anywho, I'd like to wish Ashandy a very happy birthday!!!
This Heifer is high spirited and loads of fun to be around....plus she carries the Psycho crown in Raleigh right next to Remi and I. Ashandy baby…happy birthday!
I was looking for a really jacked up picture of Ashandy to post but your ass got lucky babes...dont worry I will check my laptop at home, I am sure I will find something!
I remember when we met Ashandy, I was determined not to like her, she was loud as hell and very friendly, we ended up spending hours talking to her and I found myself easing up and laughing hysterically despite myself!
Now the heifer gets on my damn nerves, one of the very few people who know how to push my buttons….Love you loads gal! May God in his infinite mercies grant you all your heart desires as you celebrate one of many more birthdays to come.
It’s on and popping at Ashandy’s Saturday! BBQ Egba style, Asun, suya and things...be there!!
I finally got my wisdom tooth pulled the other day! The shit was bothering me and my dentist said it would cost $450 per tooth and I need to pull all four! Abi were ni wan ni? Where some folks are looking for spare teeth, I should just yank 4 commot? Oh hell…. Okay! The pain became unbearable so I called around and found a dentist that would do it for me on quick notice…Dental ER if you will. Ndidi offered to go with me and I took her up on it, Lord knows my whining ass will cry like a baby so I could definitely use support! I filled out endless paperwork and waited patiently for my turn to go under.
In comes this Island bloke! God must have made him on a Sunday Wahlai! Dark glowing skin, perfectly manicured fingers and the perfect set of 32s I have ever laid eyes on. Ndidi and I exchanges silent looks that spoke volumes! Good Gawd! This hot piece of man candy can help himself to my mouth anytime! He spoke in a deep voice with a sexy Caribbean accent; his scrubs were cut so you can see he works out….alot!!!! We giggled like little girls and he was all business….and Intelligent too…it’s a wrap! For a minute I felt like one of the chicks on Greys Anatomy and OMO McDreamy has nothing on McDentist!!!
It took about 10 minutes for the extraction and McDentist gave me a list of DO DO’s for the next 24 hours;
- Don’t talk
- Don’t eat
- Don’t smoke
- Don’t Gargle
- Don’t use straw
- Don’t take gauze out the rest of the day
I quickly fell out of lust with McDentist as in…. you wan kill me? 1, 2 and 3 were totally unreasonable!!! We stepped out of the building and I lit my boros! After all that omo, I think I’ll have another sef! I was sooooo hungry so Ndidi and I went to Cheesecake factory for lunch, I ordered macaroni and cheese, clam chowder soup, mashed potatoes and grilled salmon with Iced tea, I was feeling pretty good, she looked at me in amazement but I assured her, I had high pain tolerance! I went to the bathroom and removed the gauze and rinsed my mouth, then I returned to the table and ate a little of everything I ordered, plus I drank out of a straw!
I was pretty proud of my defiant ass so we decided to walk through the mall… that is…. until the anesthesia wore off! Good Gawd!!!! It was like stabbing a wound continuously! I had an instant fever and my head felt like it was about to explode! I could barely walk! Instead of driving to the Pharmacy to fill my prescription, I was feeling like QB almighty! I was on the verge of tears when we pulled up to the pharmacy, I could barely see. Every sound I heard went straight to my head. Finally I got my drugs…God bless Percocet! I swallowed two pills to calm my ass down I replaced my gauze and followed doctors order the rest of the day! One down and 3 more to go!
A designer to look out for!

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Creativity has a new face. Az`ure (As You Are) designs are the artistic creation of LP. Each elaborate piece is hand painted and given detailed attention to ensure unrivaled exclusivity. Casual couture that glams up any wardrobe while maintaining personal style!
This summer I am rocking nothing but pieces from the summer collection. The great thing is that if you have an idea, LP will customize your designs to your taste! She pays detailed attention to each piece to ensure perfection every time! Did I mention they are affordable? To order yours please send an email to AZUREDESIGNSLP@GMAIL.COM someone will contact you within 24 hours be sure to say QB sent you!
The website is coming soon!
Hey Yall
It's been a hot minute abi? My bad! I have so much shit going on right now, its not even funny! I lost my Grandma....I am told its not affecting me like it should but omo, dunno o! I have never felt more stressed! Everything and everyone is getting on my damn nerves! I was given 3 days off for bereavement at work which so far I have used very unwisely! Sleeping and sleeping then more sleeping!
I finally got the pictures up! you know the bad hair experience, I am told my facial expression is worse than the hair...either way...enjoy them!!
My dawg dupe is in Naija, I miss her sha, she keeps me financially stable, reminds me of all of the things on my to-do list and why I absolutely do not need another pair of shoes...hurry back dupe I need you!!!!
Okay so let me fill you in on whats been happening.
I went out with my oyinbo friend Karin, she wanted to rent a limo and bar crawl, I invited Bode because she is the craziest Mofo I know and she fits right in with Oyinbo people. It was ridiculous!!! I was so tired, I begged Bode to take me home but she was having way too much fun and Karin was on another planet!

Remi, Ade, Dupe, Oyinade and I went to some Owambe renewal of vows....we wore Iro and buba and had a blast.
Princess o and I spent the entire day Saturday at the beauty salon, she needed a perm and I need a haircut, molayo got a doobie wrap and could not stay out of the mirror! I hated my style so I combed it out and did the damn thing myself!
I have this new passion for baking Moi moi as in baking and we've been eating that in my house everyday! I will post the recipe if yall like.
LOL moment: last Sunday, I casually mentioned to a couple people that I made obe buka, before I knew what was happening, word was out and I had about 12 people heading to my house, I decided to run away and hide at LP's crib. I got cursed out in different dialects and I eventually confessed that I was hiding at LPs. I felt really bad because I wasted every one's time and still ended up cooking. ( Next week...Mrs Olopade will be hosting us..see yall there!)We had a blast, we played American idol and I took really embarrassing pictures of the Raleigh boys playing guitars! I even have one of my Ace D1 wearing my heels!! Omo there is a charge for that one, I think I will sell it on Ebay!
I have this thing now where I say I'm going to do something and I don't, like the Sunday incident. Then there was last Saturday when I hyped everyone up to go out and I didn't show up! And last Friday, I was supposed to go to a vigil but I didn't feel like it last minute! And then last Sunday, I had every intention of going to a baby shower but bailed last minute...that is so not me! The tip of the iceberg, I missed my class on Monday! I teach MS office on Mondays at my church and I totally forgot! I was available but I just forgot all about it! My students were there waiting for me and I did not show! I am starting to piss folks off and they are not taking me seriously anymore...I am turning a new leaf!
Bode drove us to church on Sunday and spent the day with us, she was overwhelmed at how dramatic Molayo and I were, then add Oyinade and a bit of LP and DB...she kept saying WOW!!! I drove the handicap cart around the grocery store because my shoes hurt like hell...I wonder if they will take that mess back and give me a bigger one!
Remi and Sammy came over on Monday and we ate, slept and played scrabble, Remi won but I didn't care because I beat Sammy's punk ass! I made obe buka and moi moi...again!!!
Monday night we did our wing thing at Linwood Grill, I took Princess O because she loves the wings! Seyi and DB and Amaka joined the usual suspects.
I have not seen Ashandy in about...1 month...Sade you want some company? Will Rodo be available tonight at about 7pm? Princess O and I are coming for dinner!
Okay I don't think I missed anything!
A big BIRTHDAY shout out to Uncle Timi...nucka you sure is old!!!! Buhahaha
The Odds are against me but pile up enough Odds and you are Even. The inevitability of my ability to consistently overcome overwhelms me. As do the magnificence of God's grace towards me and mine. I marvel at my proximity to my destiny. I am astounded that Can't, Won't and Later disrupt my journey to greatness. A conscious decision is mine to make and christen them Can, Will and Now! My reflection gazes back at me with another challenge at hand, procrastination hinders my reaching my destination. Don't tell me where I should go till you walk in my shoes. Yesterdays mistakes are for tomorrows amends, yet I ponder on them like the hand of time changes? Mediocrity has become a comfort zone and I have turned obstacles into road-blocks rather than stepping-stones, I find myself compromising my integrity as I try to maintain the status quo. How easy it is to condemn me and defame my character, when you really should commend me, and applaud my efforts. Intimidated by my confidence, you misconstrue it as arrogance, I know who I am.... A strong, black-diamond in the rough, a female soldier, a Queen amongst her peers.. now who the hell are you?