Chronicles of a Soldier
Monday, March 05, 2007
Happy Birthday Wande...30 is the new 20!!!
So on Friday, I rented a car and headed to MD, I mean why not, I could use a break from all this damn stress! I did not get in till 1 am…not bad, considering I left Raleigh at 8:30pm! That was so not my fault, I was expecting a packet and somehow UPS forgot to put it on the truck…were ni gbo gbo wan! After sitting there for 2 hours the MOFOs informed me that I would not be able to get the packet until Monday! If somebory had told me that like 2 hours ago…I would not have to curse everyone out in my egba dialect! Wotcanfa? Irritated beyond measure, I hopped in the car and drove furiously home. Princess O will be staying with Ashandy this weekend, I quickly packed her stuff and Ade was there to pick her up.
So I am steady driving on 95 minding my business and lo and behold VA popo pulled me over! I was on the phone with E and I told him I’d call him back! The dude told me the speed limit was 55 and I was doing 75 so that is reckless driving and it attracts $2500 and 6 points! I started laughing…na joke abi? $25 sekini?
“Ok officer, I wont lie, I may have been speeding a bit but I don’t have $2500, you see, I am on my way to MD, for a friends parry and rent is due when I get back on Monday plus I need to get a tune up and change my tires, I still have a stack of dirty clothes to take to the cleaners and I have only mayonnaise in my refrigerator, so that means I need to go grocery shopping, I owe my mum $1078 and my sister is celebrating her 35 birthday soon so I need to buy aso ebi, plus airfare for me and Omolayo! Then about 70 % of my friends are still single but 3 of them are engaged, which means I will be a bridesmaid, and you know how expensive that gets. Then there is Funmi’s birthday dinner next week! I’d like to get her a gift! So officer, chances are if you write me up for $2500, I won’t be able to pay it till I get my tax refund in 2008 and even then it’s iffy” I am not sure which part of my story touched him but he reduced the ticket to $135 and if I pay before my court date, I get no points! Phew!! Did I mention I hate the popo?
Saturday morning I met up with LA at Bob Evans for breakfast, she wasn’t feeling too hot but I kept her entertained! We hung out at the mall later and then we both took a nap until 6pm! Moji was furious! Dinner was at 7 and you know how long it takes LA and I to get ready! We finally got to Clyde's at about 8:30 and we had missed our reservation.
Everyone was looking fabulous and it was soo good to see all my MD peeps!
Bukky had this cork screw do that only Bukky could pull off…very chic! Nneka and that damn Indian hair of hers, I swear she could do an ad for Garnier Fructis! LA suits the hell out of Wande! All buff and tanned and in designer duds! Funmi as vibrant as ever with that infectious laugh! LA, trendsetter extraordinaire looking fly all day long! My ace MO is the glue that puts us all together….totally chic and an absolute joy to be around! And cutie pie Remi herself…still the cutest doctor I’ve ever seen! MD peeps have a way of making me feel fat! Every time I get back I go on a two day diet and then I forget all about it!
From Wande's Bday ... |
All that bonding was nice, dinner was not so hot, when they served my rockfish, I was wondering where the rest of it was! I ate Mo’s dinner because she wasn’t that hungry! I ordered a glass of chardonnay and embarrassed the hell out of myself when I raised hell that the glass was half full!!! Funmi and Moji simultaneously educated me that wine is never served full…why the hell not? Rubbish and nonsense! Dessert made up for it though, my apple crumble was absolutely divine!
I was going to do the whole Jesus house thing on Sunday but Omo…I was tired and my feet were hurting so I just bumped the whole idea, I met up with LA at Queens way for lunch before heading out! I met a girl LA knew who introduced herself and said “I read your blog” I blushed a little…I ate my pounded yam till it became difficult to breathe…I am so damn greedy!
My drive home was cool, no tickets just freaking trailers ever 5 minutes…So I was explaining to my oyinbo friend that there were trailers all over the damn road and it scares the crap out of me and she was confused…apparently trailers are mobile homes….I am so Nigerian, its painful! She said “you mean trucks like 18 wheeler?”
Yes…. trucks, trailer warefa!!!
Stay tuned for pictures…I didn’t take any; my camera is on strike…MO will send them to me tonight…wont you MO?
The Odds are against me but pile up enough Odds and you are Even. The inevitability of my ability to consistently overcome overwhelms me. As do the magnificence of God's grace towards me and mine. I marvel at my proximity to my destiny. I am astounded that Can't, Won't and Later disrupt my journey to greatness. A conscious decision is mine to make and christen them Can, Will and Now! My reflection gazes back at me with another challenge at hand, procrastination hinders my reaching my destination. Don't tell me where I should go till you walk in my shoes. Yesterdays mistakes are for tomorrows amends, yet I ponder on them like the hand of time changes? Mediocrity has become a comfort zone and I have turned obstacles into road-blocks rather than stepping-stones, I find myself compromising my integrity as I try to maintain the status quo. How easy it is to condemn me and defame my character, when you really should commend me, and applaud my efforts. Intimidated by my confidence, you misconstrue it as arrogance, I know who I am.... A strong, black-diamond in the rough, a female soldier, a Queen amongst her peers.. now who the hell are you?