Chronicles of a Soldier
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Happy Birthday Bambo!
I cried last night like I haven’t in a hot minute and it wasn’t angry tears, I was deeply saddened by my conversation with sister. It’s not something I care to share which is really rare for me because sharing heals me but I need to wrap my head around it and hopefully when it becomes history then I can look back and laugh.
Life is so damn frustrating, one minute you are on cloud nine and no one can dampen your spirit and the next, it seem like the world is still and God has turned his face from you. I wont give up though, it’s not an option, instead I will take the lemon life has dealt and make the best damn lemonade ever.
For fear of sounding ungrateful, I thank God for everything; it has been my experience that every bad thing that has ever happened to me or my family has circuitously been a good thing so, I will see the bigger picture and take heed that God is trying to get our attention.
Life is so short and we take so much for granted, but I just want my sisters and brother and especially my mum to know that I really love them. Together we will get through this. Our past is history, our future is a mystery, and the present is full of possibilities!
On a lighter note, nothing major has been going on in Raleighood, same shit different toilet.
My hommies all came by my crib Friday night and we held a vigil, only we skipped the praying part and watched British comedy instead. I made dinner and we lounged till about 4am! Saturday morning we had breakfast at Bob Evans and later went to church to clean the building. I really wanted to go catch a movie but instead we just chilled at D1’s house and slept all day long! I got home at about 6pm and cleaned my room, it was an absolute mess! I caught up with all me recorded shows and braided Princess O’s hair.
Happy birthday Bambo! We were at bambizzy’s crib this weekend celebrating his birthday with him. His mom cooked and his dad makes the meanest BBQ on the planet! The food was well worth the 1 hour drive to get to their crib. I scooped D1 and LP and we headed out to their crib. By the time we got there, they had started a Monopoly game…..bummer because Lord knows I love me some monopoly! The other game that I love dearly is Taboo but mehn, you can’t play that game with Raleigh folks mehn! Rowdy Mofos… the lot of them…hehehehe

Bambo's birthday
Ok so we were chilling and we had the two hottest babies in Raleigh in the building Ridi and Jobs, they are about 3 months apart and both cute as a button! We sat them next to each other and took pictures. Aww too cute, I am thinking of stealing them and moving to a remote Island where we can’t be found.
The Odds are against me but pile up enough Odds and you are Even. The inevitability of my ability to consistently overcome overwhelms me. As do the magnificence of God's grace towards me and mine. I marvel at my proximity to my destiny. I am astounded that Can't, Won't and Later disrupt my journey to greatness. A conscious decision is mine to make and christen them Can, Will and Now! My reflection gazes back at me with another challenge at hand, procrastination hinders my reaching my destination. Don't tell me where I should go till you walk in my shoes. Yesterdays mistakes are for tomorrows amends, yet I ponder on them like the hand of time changes? Mediocrity has become a comfort zone and I have turned obstacles into road-blocks rather than stepping-stones, I find myself compromising my integrity as I try to maintain the status quo. How easy it is to condemn me and defame my character, when you really should commend me, and applaud my efforts. Intimidated by my confidence, you misconstrue it as arrogance, I know who I am.... A strong, black-diamond in the rough, a female soldier, a Queen amongst her peers.. now who the hell are you?