Chronicles of a Soldier
Friday, July 28, 2006
My nu-nu is back from Jamaica!



Yanju and Omolayo

Uncle folu and Jomi

I spoke with Princess O and she was telling me about all the great things she did it Jamaica. “Mummy, I went snorkeling and swimming and boat rides and we played with wild cats and we went to Margaritaville and we ate chicken and chips and I am really tanned. Everyone kept asking Yanju and I if we were twins cause we dressed alike, just cause people dress alike doesn’t mean they are twins, we kept telling them no but the kept asking questions, everyone wanted to talk to us so I told Yanju it would be easier just to say yes we are twins then they would leave us alone, I had fun mummy and I missed you wish you could come. I was even scared of the water” she went on and on and I was like WOW my baby girl had some fun! Omolayo and Yanju ( my sister’s daughter) are 2 months apart, my sister dresses them alike. Yanju is reserved, quiet and petite in frame and Omolayo is friendly, loud and big for her age, its so much fun watching them grow together, it reminds me of my cousins and I growing up! (Bisi, Titi, Bisoye Bimbo, Biola...yall remeber?)
My sister told me how Omolayo begged her to get me cigarettes for my birthday! Shame on you Bola!!! She told my sister “I know its bad for you but my mummy can’t help it” Da hell? My sister refused so they got me wine instead. Omolayo made me promise to pick her up in August because she wants to be here for my birthday! My nunu is sooooo sweet! I love you Princess O…I can’t wait till you come home!!!!
Big Sis and Uncle Folusho…thanks for taking my baby to Jamaica with your family!!!
The Odds are against me but pile up enough Odds and you are Even. The inevitability of my ability to consistently overcome overwhelms me. As do the magnificence of God's grace towards me and mine. I marvel at my proximity to my destiny. I am astounded that Can't, Won't and Later disrupt my journey to greatness. A conscious decision is mine to make and christen them Can, Will and Now! My reflection gazes back at me with another challenge at hand, procrastination hinders my reaching my destination. Don't tell me where I should go till you walk in my shoes. Yesterdays mistakes are for tomorrows amends, yet I ponder on them like the hand of time changes? Mediocrity has become a comfort zone and I have turned obstacles into road-blocks rather than stepping-stones, I find myself compromising my integrity as I try to maintain the status quo. How easy it is to condemn me and defame my character, when you really should commend me, and applaud my efforts. Intimidated by my confidence, you misconstrue it as arrogance, I know who I am.... A strong, black-diamond in the rough, a female soldier, a Queen amongst her peers.. now who the hell are you?