Chronicles of a Soldier
Monday, July 24, 2006
Happy Birthday Adewunmi!!

Bola and Dewunmi

Shade, Dewunmi, QueenB and Bode
My boy Dewunmi is officially Old School…. yup! We went out to dinner in his honor on Friday. It was very nice, everyone came out to show Dewunmi some love. This brother is the only MOFO I know that is loved by EVERYONE!!! As in no one has anything ill to say about him! He is a perfect gentleman, sweet and is always there when you need him. He has been instrumental in all four of my moves in the 2+ years I have been in Raleigh. I have mad love for this dude. Ladies he is single o…so holla at me for his digits!
So we did Twisted Forks, nice joint, food was aii, afterwards, I rushed home to meet LA. Mo and LA were in town for the weekend it is promised to be a sick time! Mo spent the night at Gbemi’s so LA and I went down to Bogarts to chill with Remi and Ade. I did a few shots and still maintained…I am getting better at this crunk thing o! We had an absolute blast. We went to them Remi’s house, rumor had it that mumsy cooked Egusi Ijebu ….AWWW SIX….it was on! Nevermind the fact that it was 3AM, I made some Pounded yam and we all ate, except for Ade (She is watching her height). We got home at about 4:30am…omo, I was done!
On Saturday I was up early, went to the fish market cause my girls wanted some cat fish, I stopped at the farmers market for some veggies and headed back home to cooked and Gbemi and Moji came by, we ate and carried on till about 5pm. We headed to South Point, which is our usual hang out when my dawgs are in town. We shopped for a bit and then we watched the funny Dupree movie…Caucasian humor….Moji loves that! After the movies we went to them Remi’s house and to my disappointment there was no food! Ashandy beat us to it! we all hung out till about 11pm.
Moji, Lola and I went back to my house to change, we went back to Bogarts, how about there was a live band, cant recall the name but dude is good! ****Sidetrack (Remi we should get him for your engagement party…That would be hot!)End sidetrack****
Funmi and Dupe came out with us….it was Bananas! I sipped everyone’s drink and was acting all kinds of foolish afterwards. I gave Remi a lap dance. We witnessed an accident where this Ford explorer hit a G35 and bolted, he realized he couldn’t get far so he stopped. The white dude from the G35 jumped out and slammed on the Explorer’s window….Ope lope POPO, he would have gotten his ass kicked kinta kunte style!
I told the POPO I saw the whole thing and I would testify for a small fee of $10!
I was flirting with the four feet oyinbo boy for his hot dog…buhahahaha, yall know them hotdogs they sell out the buggy? He had one and I wanted it! He gave me a bite! All my friends confirmed I gatmadrishoes! I had fun sha.
I called my baby when I got home, I guess he was sleeping…I decided to sleep too we have church tomorrow.
I opened my eyes Sunday morning at about 11:30! Church started at 10am. Moji and Lola were not up for it, I rushed to get ready but I was told service was over at 1pm….God please forgive my trifling ass! I went to the butcher shop and bought meat and I cooked fried stew and dodo for my girls. LA and I fought as usual and Moji played referee except, she sucked at it. We ate and vibed for a bit more and they headed out at about 4pm. I caked for a hour before heading out to Vicky’s to watch Yoruba movies with the rest of the crew.
I was tired as hell so I slept off but Dupe kept blowing up my phone, she told me to get up and open the door, she came with Twizzzy TW, they begged me to put on some pants but Twizzzy deserved to be tourtured. Seyi Idowu…AKA Twizzy TW is a complete jackass but I love him die. We hung out for a while and watched Keisha Cole's ghetto ass on BET! I followed Dupe home to get my baffs that Peju sent me! Yes o Peju my side kick from last summer, Dayo boy’s sister sent me naija baffs! It on!! I love you Peju!!!! Muah!!! I finally took my ass to bed at Midnight….had nothing but sweet dreams!!!
My name is Bola and I am in a very happy place….care to join me?

Remi Ade and I

Twizzy TW and I

Dewunmi's Pictures
Moji and Lola in my hood
The Odds are against me but pile up enough Odds and you are Even. The inevitability of my ability to consistently overcome overwhelms me. As do the magnificence of God's grace towards me and mine. I marvel at my proximity to my destiny. I am astounded that Can't, Won't and Later disrupt my journey to greatness. A conscious decision is mine to make and christen them Can, Will and Now! My reflection gazes back at me with another challenge at hand, procrastination hinders my reaching my destination. Don't tell me where I should go till you walk in my shoes. Yesterdays mistakes are for tomorrows amends, yet I ponder on them like the hand of time changes? Mediocrity has become a comfort zone and I have turned obstacles into road-blocks rather than stepping-stones, I find myself compromising my integrity as I try to maintain the status quo. How easy it is to condemn me and defame my character, when you really should commend me, and applaud my efforts. Intimidated by my confidence, you misconstrue it as arrogance, I know who I am.... A strong, black-diamond in the rough, a female soldier, a Queen amongst her peers.. now who the hell are you?