Chronicles of a Soldier
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
W/E 5/14
Running a bit late on the events this last weekend. Early Saturday, I was craving some pancakes so we all met down at Golden Coral for their breakfast buffet, then we went to the mall. My latest obsession is patent leather, so Ade and I swept the mall till I found the perfect pair.
Omolayo, remi and Funmi was at the salon getting their do did. ***Side Track** How about I found this spot where you can get a doobie wrap for $10! Omo is on and popping every week, make una no laff me when I join the iya eko tribe. ****On Track*** Later that evening, Funmi and I went to one of my oyinbo friends get-together and we were the only black folks! Which was fine until one dude cracked a joke about reenacting the Duke Lacrosse Scandal! Before I could speak, Funmi droppeds her Fone and yell NOOOOO O! WE ARE NOT LIKE THAT O! My friend apologized on his befalf and we rolled out. Bisoye graduated from UNC, we all went down there to cheer her on, and her graduation party was on Sunday. We stayed up all night cooking at Uncle Segun’s crib. I was practically useless on Sunday, tired out of my mind but it was Ashandy’s birthday (Happy Birthday Shade!!!!) and her husband invited us to have breakfast with her at one of my favorite joints before church. It was also mother’s day and I pat myself in the back for a job well done!! HEHE (ok humility is not my strong suit).

I could barely keep my eyes open for the sermon if not for some scary truth the pastor was spitting. “My name is Bola and I am a reform woman” now that the affirmation is out the way, please tell me why hateful MOFOS are steady trying to shake me, but did you miss the memo? I am a Soilder!! So I am jobless because I blog? LOL Absolutely Hilary, I think jobless is subscribing with passion to a blog written by someone you hate, religiously reading and catching up on what new with Queenb today…that boo is jobless!
I do have a life… a great life…...this is my life, I love it and secretly….so do you!
Back to my reformed state, 16 days till Tuoyo and Dayo’s wedding! I am upset that I won’t be there, but I will in spirit and I wish yall the very best! Check out their site here.
I will be in London this weekend….time to bond with my ACE Moji. Gotta run now, promised Princess O I would come to her school and have lunch with her.
The Odds are against me but pile up enough Odds and you are Even. The inevitability of my ability to consistently overcome overwhelms me. As do the magnificence of God's grace towards me and mine. I marvel at my proximity to my destiny. I am astounded that Can't, Won't and Later disrupt my journey to greatness. A conscious decision is mine to make and christen them Can, Will and Now! My reflection gazes back at me with another challenge at hand, procrastination hinders my reaching my destination. Don't tell me where I should go till you walk in my shoes. Yesterdays mistakes are for tomorrows amends, yet I ponder on them like the hand of time changes? Mediocrity has become a comfort zone and I have turned obstacles into road-blocks rather than stepping-stones, I find myself compromising my integrity as I try to maintain the status quo. How easy it is to condemn me and defame my character, when you really should commend me, and applaud my efforts. Intimidated by my confidence, you misconstrue it as arrogance, I know who I am.... A strong, black-diamond in the rough, a female soldier, a Queen amongst her peers.. now who the hell are you?